Drag-On Dragoon OST短评

2004-05-27 12:35 | ovelia



这个游戏么,没玩过,虽然对于其沉重深邃的世界观颇有兴趣^_^ 估计暑假有空的时候会试一下。



首先,很多曲子都是几个旋律重复了再重复,简直就是让我想起了Steve Reich等实验派作曲家的做法;其次,混音是在很奇怪,虽然东京城市交响乐团的表现的确很不错,很有魄力,可是在OST中被剪接成那个样子,实在是……欲哭无泪啊……= = 很难用语言来表达,最好大家亲耳听听就知道了。不过这个也不是没有理由的,毕竟两位作曲家(相原隆行和另外一位名字忘了)本来就是电子乐出身。


其实中间也有不受剪接影响的,例如D1T2 Weapon Select, D2T5 Seere's Prayer - In the Sky,这些曲子都充分体现了作曲家的天赋,然而大部分其他的曲子都不是这个样子的……效果如何,真的是见仁见智了。




Disc One
01 - Mission Selection
02 - Weapon Selection
03 - First Chapter - In the Sky
04 - First Chapter - On the Ground
05 - First Chapter - Inside the Castle
06 - Second Chapter - In the Sky
07 - Second Chapter - On the Ground
08 - Third Chapter - In the Sky
09 - Third Chapter - On the Ground
10 - Fourth Chapter - In the Sky
11 - Fourth Chapter - On the Ground
12 - Fifth Chapter - In the Sky 1
13 - Fifth Chapter - On the Ground 1
14 - Fifth Chapter - In the Sky 2
15 - Fifth Chapter - On the Ground 2
16 - Sixth Chapter - In the Sky
17 - Sixth Chapter - On the Ground
18 - Seventh Chapter - In the Sky
19 - Eigth Chapter - In the Sky
20 - Eigth Chapter - On the Ground
21 - Eigth Chapter - Closing
22 - Mission Clear
23 - Game Over ~Continue~

Disc Two
01 - Hungry Leonard - In the Sky
02 - Hungry Leonard - On the Ground
03 - Extraordinary Arioch - In the Sky
04 - Extraordinary Arioch - On the Ground
05 - Seere's Prayer - In the Sky
06 - Seere's Prayer - On the Ground
07 - Ninth Chapter - In the Sky 1
08 - Ninth Chapter - In the Sky 2
09 - Ninth Chapter - Closing
10 - Tenth Chapter - In the Sky
11 - Tenth Chapter - On the Ground
12 - Eleventh Chapter - On the Ground 1
13 - Eleventh Chapter - On the Ground 2
14 - Twelfth Chapter - In the Sky
15 - Twelfth Chapter - On the Ground
16 - Twelfth Chapter - Closing
17 - Thirteenth Chapter - Closing
18 - Route A Staff Roll
19 - Route B Staff Roll "Exhausted"
20 - Route C Staff Roll
21 - Route D Staff Roll
22 - Route E Staff Roll
23 - Eleventh Chapter - In the Sky (Unpublished)
24 - Twelfth Chapter - Closing (Unpublished)

OPHELIA female English

Pronounced: o-FEEL-ya

Derived from Greek ophelos meaning "help". This is the name of a character in Shakespeare's 'Hamlet', who eventually goes insane and drowns herself.
