
2002-05-09 16:59 | RoseCecil



The darkening ink-colored sky
Invites traces of distant days
Carrying childhood dreams and yearnings
Airplane trails flow and disappear
If I crossed time
To the me of that day
If I could tell her
I'd want to fly away
And as for fears, well
Let them fall away just so
From your tiny palms
The world is simply waiting
For your shining eyes to make their debut
Strange towns' unknown people
Are, like a movie, too transparent
Won't someone show me the path
The one remaining path I'm expected to follow
If you 0pen the door
To the neighboring world
If you can go inside
Search for me
Follow your dreams, if only a little
Those nostalgic days that took roundabout routes
Do you remember them
And are you still
Walking about with your shining eyes
The darkening ink-colored sky
Invites traces of distant days