2006-01-04 21:38 | 石门大桥
Advent Children: Final Fantasy VII
Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
其中FF7DC将于1月26日发售。相信绝大多数玩家距离上一次通关FF7,已经有相当长的一段时间了。 本文将尝试解析FF7的世界构架以及主要事件,以利于玩家理解FF7ABCD游戏背景。全文将分为三个部分:1,FF7的世界构架以及背景部分 2,FF7疑难事件部分 3,FF7次要人物部分。4,附录(FF7剧情相关对白)部分。
1-1 Lifesteam
什么是lifesteam?一句话概括就是灵魂的能量。星球诞生之际,它当时所拥有的Lifesteam的数量就既定了。星球上所有生物,出生的时候都需要从Lifesteam中获得维持其生存所需要的一份灵魂能量;当这些生物去世的时候,它曾获得的灵魂能量又会返回星球--Lifesteam就由这些所有生物的灵魂能量汇集而成,循环反覆,生生不息。(虽然游戏中没有确切证据,但这里应该理解为生物去世的时候,送回Lifesteam的灵魂能量,比生物出生时所获得的灵魂能量要多)Lifesteam从内部来看,单独个体的灵魂是有意识的;从整体来讲,Lifesteam是无意识的,它是星球存继的根本,并受星球支配。做为一个整体的Lifesteam,由于灵魂能量汇集过多,产生了具像化--即精神到物质的转换。它存在的状态类似于熔岩,位于于星球的地壳之下。在某些地壳薄弱的地方,甚至可能喷发出来。这里需要特别提出一点:在以Lifesteam为基点的生命循环过程中,并不是所有生物都必须参与这个循环中去。FF7里面给出了两个特例:第一个是Cmosm Canyon遇到的Gi Tribe。这个部落的生物由于侵略心太强,怨念太深,死后直接变成了Ghost(鬼魂),而不参与Lifesteam的生命循环过程,至于第二种,则是Cetra中的一小部分。(见1-3)
1-2 Cetra/Ancient
1-3 Materia+Magic+Black Matira+White Materia
Materia的生成,有两种方式:1,自然形成 2,人工合成。在这里仅仅讨论第一种情况,第二种情况请见(2-1)
魔法(Magic)从本质上来讲,是星球的能量。前面说过,在星球上,Lifesteam是可以具像化的。在Lifesteam密度特别高的地方,则会慢慢结晶化----形成Materia.古代种在星球上死去之后,灵魂同样回归Lifesteam,他们的智慧和知识就慢慢的渗透到Materia中。由于Materia中蕴涵了古代种的知识和智慧,而古代种又拥有和星球沟通的能力,所以,当一个普通人拿到Matria之后,他可以借用蕴涵在Materia中的古代种的能力,在一定程度上和星球产生交互作用,调用星球的力量,从而运用魔法。在林林总总的Meteria之中,威力最大的有两种:Black Materia和White Materia ,分别使用它们,就会产生两种作用完全相反的魔法:Meteor和Holy(具体关系大致见下表)
Black Materia-----》获得魔石+使用魔石----------》Meteor-------》召唤彗星,威力甚至可以毁灭星球 |
White Materia-----》获得魔石+使用魔石----------》Holy -------》由星球本身来决定什么需要消灭,什么仍然可以存继 |
其他魔石----------》获得魔石+使用魔石----------》其他魔法-----》其他效果 |
由于使用Black Materia则可以使用Meteor魔法,而Meteor的威力实在太大,古代种害怕被心怀不轨的人使用,所以一部分古代种死亡之后,凭着自己的意志,没有参与Lifesteam的生命循环。他们的灵魂就萦绕在Black Materia里面。他们为Black Materia的获得设置了几乎不可破解的障碍:他们把整个Black Materia变为了一个Temple,在Temple中心安置了一个机关,并设置了若干迷题.人在Temple里面每解决一个迷题,人和Temple本身都会缩小(但人自己身觉察不到)。。。最后,如果人想拿走Black Materia,整个Temple就会变回Black Materia,想拿走的Black Materia人就会在变化途中被压死。
致于White Materia,一直辗转留传到了Ifalna手里,Ifalna后来给了她的女儿Aeris。Aeris则把它放在自己的发带里。
1-4 Jenova+Cetra+Weapon
2-1 神罗+Mako Energy+Materia+SOLDIER
FF7游戏里面没有出现过有明确行政构架的“国家”概念。最高的行政首领是Midgar的市长。事实上,这个市长只是一个傀儡。所有权利都掌握在神罗公司手里。而这个神罗,最早的时候是一个武器制造公司。在距今大约48年前,神罗发现了一种未知的能源,并将其命名为Mako Energy。然后在距今39年前,神罗在Nibel山建成了第一座魔晃炉。做为一个武器制造公司,Mako Energy最早仅仅适用于武器制造领域,而没有适用于民事领域。在那个时候,神罗开发Mako Energy最大的用途是:试图制造更强力的人类战士--即SOLDIER。这个项目的领导者,据推测,就是Hojo。
事实上,Mako Energy的能量根源仍然是Lifesteam。在通常情况下,Lifesteam中所蕴涵的灵魂能量是无法被人类直接使用的。而神罗则以人工方式强行抽取Lifesteam中的灵魂能量,并对其进行加工,使其能够为人类所使用。 原本Lifesteam的生命循环是无止无终的,Mako Energy的出现则强行破坏了星球的生命循环过程,将Lifesteam里面的灵魂能量,转化为Mako Energy。而通过转化Lifesteam所生成的Mako Energy是不能参与星球的生命循环过程的。这样,Lifesteam的总量就会越来越少。长久下去,星球就会失去活力,直至消亡。
虽然Mako Energy会危害星球的生命循环过程,但由于它的能量根源仍然是来自Lifesteam,所以,将Mako Energy以人工方式压缩,冷凝之后,仍然可以产生Materia,这种人工产生的Materia里面,仍然蕴涵着古代种的知识和智慧。人类如果使用这种Materia,仍然可以和星球产生交互作用而生成魔法--这就是Materia生成的第二种方式.
SOLDIER最早的时候,仅仅指在Mako 里面浸泡的人类士兵。我们知道,FF7世界里面最本源的是灵魂而不是物质。每个人出生的时候都需要从Lifesteam里面获取他所应得的灵魂力量。把人放在Mako中浸泡,就等于是让一个人获取了一些其他人的灵魂力量的份额。所以,这些士兵会变的更加强壮,更加具有战斗力。(这里是近代背景部分,SOLDIER在游戏后期则不光指在Mako里面浸泡,还被注入了Jenova细胞,这种情况请见2-8;本文后面提到的SOLDIER都是指游戏后期中的SOLDIER,而不是现在所提到的SOLDIER)在强行开发Mako Energy的同时,做为一个武器制造公司,神罗在太空探索,生物试验等等方面进行也进行着研究。当时,在生物研究方面,神罗最杰出的科学家是Gast博士。
2-2 Gast博士+Jenova Project
距今约30年前,神罗的天才科学家Gast博士,在2000年前的地质层中发现了一个处于假死状态的生命体。他把这个生命体命名为Jenova。通过研究,他发现这种生命体的细胞活力非常强。因此,他以为他找到的是古代种的遗体。(事实上这个生命体,是2000年前被古代种封印了的Jenova本体--它是披着古代种外衣的Jenova)神罗得知之后,对这种具有强力活性细胞的生命体非常感兴趣,神罗想通过对所谓“古代种”的研究,而制造出和古代种一样强力的战士。于是神罗投入资金,在Nibelheim神罗公寓的地下室修建了一个实验室,让Gast博士从事他的研究工作。这个研究计划,被称为Jenova Project。这个计划开展的时候,神罗公司给Gast博士配备了两个助手和一个保镖。这三个人分别是Lucrecia,Vincent和Hojo。
2-3 Hojo+Lucrecia+Vincent+Sephiroth
神罗飞速的成长过程,就是一部罪恶史。在明处,神罗将积累的资金在Midgar建立了一座中心城市;在暗处,神罗成立了一个叫Turk的组织,做的是类似盖世太保的工作。Turk成员中的一个,被安排来到Nibelheim以确保试验的安全进行,这个人的名字叫Vincent。和他一起来的还有两个人,一个是女科学家Lucrecia,另外一个是疯狂的科学家Hojo。据推测,Hojo应该是负责强化人体研究的(即SOLDIER)。当时魔晃炉已经投入使用,Hojo的工作应该是将Mako Energy应用于于人体,外加将Jenova Project的成果,同样适用于人体。
2-4 Gast+Ifalna+Bugenhagen+Aeris
Gast博士后来离开了Nibelheim的地下实验室。估计是不齿于Hojo将Jenova细胞注入人体,进行违反科学道德底线的试验。他在大陆上到处游弋,在Cosmo Canyon碰到了过去同样为神罗工作过的Bugenhagen。于是,Gast博士将一套天文设备送给了天文爱好者Bugenhagen。后来Gast来到了Icicle Area,碰到了当时星球上仅存的古代种Ifalna。他爱上了Ifalna,两个人生下了可爱的女儿Aeris。不知道什么原因,Hojo知道了Ifalna是古代种。他在Aeris出生刚好20天的时候抢走了Ifalna和Aeris,将两人带回了Midgar做试验。由于Gast博士激烈反抗,Hojo杀死了Gast博士。
2-5 神罗+Cid+Aeris+SOLDIER+Sephiroth
在距今15年左右,神罗势力高速膨胀。它在Rockt Town进行了第一次火箭发射试验。这次发射的代号为“YA-79”。宇航员的名字叫Cid。这次发射试验以失败而告终;大致也在这个时候,神罗发动了对Wutai的战争。在同一时间,Ifalna带着她的小女儿Aeris逃出了Hojo的实验室,Ifalan死在了Midgar 7号街火车站。而Aeris则被好心的Elmyra收养。就这样,Elmyra成为了Aeris的继母。在这段时间,Mako Energy也做到了从军事领域到民用领域的普及。做为一种干净,便宜的能源,Mako Energy让神罗获利非常丰厚。于是神罗放弃了外太空探索计划,将所有的人力物力投入到对Mako Energy的各种研究及开发中。又过了几年,Hojo的人体试验有了进展。Hojo将Jenova细胞注入身体非常强壮的士兵体内,并将这些士兵放到魔晃里面浸泡,使得这些士兵的战斗力比一般人强无数倍。这就是游戏后期所谓的SOLDIER。神罗将这些SOLDIER投入到对Wutai的战争中,并一举扫荡了Wutai所有的反抗势力。这些SOLDIER中间,由于Sephiroth未出生就从母亲那里感染了Jenova细胞,所以Sephiroth异于常人,是所有SOLDIER中最厉害的一个。他在战争中立下了无数功劳,成为了少年时代Cloud心目中的英雄。
2-6 少年时代的Cloud+Tifa+Zack
Cloud很小的时候就失去了父亲。Cloud妈妈一个人把他拉扯大。因此,他有些许少年老成,被其他小孩子所排斥。Tifa是Cloud的邻居。在Tifa 8岁的时候,她的母亲去世了。倔犟的Tifa不接受这个事实,认为她的母亲也许是跑到Nibelheim山那头去了,就翻山过去寻找。9岁的Cloud则跟在Tifa后面保护她。在山上,Tifa一不小心滑倒,Cloud跳过去救她,结果是两个人都掉下了山崖。Tifa因此昏迷了几天几夜。大人们都以为是Cloud把Tifa带上山的,都来责备Cloud。小Cloud受了委屈,并以为Tifa也会责备自己,感到很不爽。从此,小Cloud变的十分冲动,经常和别人打架。后来,小Cloud听说了“英雄”Sephiroth的事迹,就把Sephroth视为自己的偶像。他觉得如果自己变得强大,就能保护Tifa,Tifa就会注意到他。Cloud在14岁的时候(距今7年)决定去参军,并且立志要成为SOLDIER。他约Tifa在水井处见面,并和TIFA在星空下许下了著名的誓言:当Tifa有难的时候,Cloud一定会去救助她。Cloud离开之后,Tifa碰到了武术家Zangan,并拜其为师。Zack在距今10年前离开Gongaga去参军,他在距今6~7年成为了SOLDIER,并和Aeris恋爱。
2-7 Nibelheim事件(Sephiroth+Zack+Cloud+Tifa)
Nibelheim事件的起因是源自Hojo。Hojo不光把Jenova的本体密封在Nibel山,他还把人类放到非常高浓度的Mako里面浸泡,试验的结果,是被浸泡的人类都变成了怪物。其中,由于某个阀门未密封,一些怪物跑到了山下。这让Nibelheim当地的居民非常恐慌,甚至都不敢出门。Nibelheim是Cloud的故乡,他当年曾经夸口要成为SOLDIER。而事实上他并没有做到。为此,他羞于见自己的妈妈和Tifa。于是,他没有取下自己的头盔,选择不和亲友相认。在解决Nibelheim魔晃炉泄漏事件的过程中,Sephiroth见到了密封Jenova的门,(上面有几个大字:Jenova=v=)于是Sehpiroth对自己的身世产生了怀疑,他在Shinra manion(神罗公寓)的地下室里面闭门不出,天天研究Gast博士遗留下来的文献记录。前面说过,Gast博士最早的研究是有错误的,Gast把处于假死状态Jenova当成了古代种来研究。看了这些错误的文献之后,Sephiroth把自己当成了古代种的后裔。他对人类产成了强烈的憎恨。在他看来,在约2000年前,当星球遇到“从天而降的灾难”的时候,人类躲来了,从而能够继续生存;古代种则直面灾难,和星球一起同“从天而降的灾难”做斗争。这使勇敢的古代种被灭族,懦弱的人类反而得以继续生存。他认为人类间接害死了他的祖先古代种,他要代表祖先向人类进行报复。所以他放火烧毁了Nibbelheim,把当地的居民几乎全部杀死了。(Cloud的妈妈在这里被烧/杀死了)然后,Sephiroth跑到Nibel山上去找他所谓的“古代种”妈妈Jenova。在魔晃炉里面,他顺手杀死了Tifa的父亲。Tifa,Zack和Cloud追赶Sephiroth也跑到了魔晃炉。Tifa和Zack先进入魔晃炉,结果被Sephiroth砍成重伤。Cloud最后进入魔晃炉,他乘Sephirtoh背对自己的时候给了Sephiroth一剑。Sephiroth缓过神之后,马上去杀Cloud。他一剑刺穿了Cloud的身体(非致命位置),Cloud这时候极为愤怒!自己幼年时的偶像居然杀死了自己最亲的妈妈,还有可能也杀死了自己青梅竹马的好朋友Tifa。。。。。。一般人在愤怒的时候都能爆发出平时所不具备的能量。同理,cloud拼着性命不要,把Sephiroth扔下了魔晃炉。。。。。。然后,重伤的Cloud,Tifa和Zack就无助的在地上躺着。生命垂危。
这里提一下Sephiroth的经历。(这段经历游戏中没有明确给出,只能依靠全游戏的对白和情节进行推测)Sephiroth拿着他“妈妈”Jenova的头部被Cloud扔到了魔晃炉最下面。魔晃炉本来就是抽取Lifesteam能量,从而制造Mako Energy的装置。魔晃炉的最下方自然是具像化的Lifesteam。由于Jenova还没有被摧毁,星球的原有伤口并没有修复,Lifesteam自然会向着北边流动。Sephiroth就被Lifesteam送到了最北面的大空洞。在约2000年前,古代种战胜并封印Jenova的时候,Jenova是寄生在一个女性古代种身上的。在那个时候,Jenova已经获得了该古代种的部分能力。Sephiroth被植入了Jenova细胞,所以Sephiroth也获得了一小部份古代种的能力。在Lifesteam里面,Sephiroth慢慢尝试和古代种交流。逐渐地,Sephiroth了解到自己并不是一个古代种,自己的“母亲”其实是Jenova。于是,Sepiroth变的更加愤世嫉俗。他开始尝试和Jenova的头部合体,并吸取lifesteam里面的灵魂能量。他想变的更加强大,变成一种新的种族,强大到一种类似神的存在。这一过程十分缓慢,他用了5年多的时间。由于他仅仅获得了Jenova的头部,他和Jenova的合体并没有完全成功。(Sephiroth明白自己其实是Jenova的后代,游戏里面没有给出明确时间,但可以肯定用了5年多的时间--见附录13)
为什么Sephiroth只拿走了Jenova的头部?FF7里面没有给出明确答案,只有靠推测。Jenova这种类似病毒的存在是非常危险的。Gast,Hojo切割Jenova做试验的时候自然是非常小心。后来,Gast离开了Jenova Project。Hojo应该是把Jenova密封保存在Nibel山上的。Sephiroth进入魔晃炉的时候,根据FF7游戏的CG,Jenova本体的外面罩了一层金属的外壳(密封作用)。只有把金属的外壳破坏掉,才能露出Jenova的本体。所以Sephiroth毫不犹豫的摘下了Jenova金属外壳的头部。在FF7游戏的CG里面,Sephiroth摘Jenova头部时流出的液体,应该就是属于Jenova的本体部分了。正当Sephiroth开开心心和他“妈妈”Jenova谈心的时候,Cloud从背后给了他一剑。做为最强战士,Sephiroth反应过来之后,第一想做的就是报这一剑之仇。所以他急匆匆的冲了出去,连提着Jenova的头都没注意到。。。。。。结果一冲出去就被愤怒的Cloud扔到魔晃炉的最下面了。(强弱倒置,真是耻辱啊!=v=不知这推理能否让大家满意?)
2-8 SOLDIER+ZACK,Cloud逃出+游戏开始
这次试验和游戏中的SOLDIER制造有什么区别呢?Disc2 Cloud在High Wind上面的话说明:后期的SOLDIER,是选取身强力壮的士兵,在他们意识清醒的情况下注入Jenova细胞。如果这些士兵意志坚定,Jenova细胞将不能影响他们的意志,仅仅会使得这部分士兵变的更加强壮,甚至后面发生的Jenova Reunion对他们都没有影响。--这部分士兵就成为了游戏中的SOLDIER;如果这些士兵意志不坚定,身体不强壮,他们就会意识混乱,变成白痴一样的人--这部分士兵就是游戏中时常出现的黑衣人。
神罗在此时已经完全成为了依靠Mako Energy获取利润的公司,它不希望听到任何关于魔晃炉的负面消息。为了掩盖在Nibbelheim发生的惨案,它让被自己所控制的媒体,仅仅对外宣布“英雄”Sephiroth去世了;同时,神罗公司派人重建了Nibelheim,并雇佣了许多人伪装成原Nibbelheim的居民.
在距今最多只有几个月的时候,Zack和Cloud趁着喂食的时候,从神罗公寓地下室脱逃成功。这个时候Zack处于正常状态,Cloud仍然是神志昏迷。Zack的女朋友是Aeris,脱逃之后自然想到Midgar去见Aeris。所以他们坐卡车前往Midgar。在卡车上,Zack不停的对Cloud说话。大意是:Zack原想带上Cloud和Aeris一起住,又害怕Aeris的继母不答应;Zack考虑了一下自己比一般人强的地方,就准备当一个只认钱,不认人的雇佣兵。他想等到有钱了再慢慢考虑将来--虽然神志昏迷,这些话Cloud还是能够听明白的。后来,在离Midgar非常非常近的地方,Zack和Cloud碰上了神罗士兵。由于刚从实验室逃出来没多久,Zack还没恢复体力,就被神罗士兵枪杀了。Cloud由于神志迷乱,神罗士兵认为Cloud无可救药,就对其置之不理。神志迷乱的Cloud就这样稀里糊涂的走到了Midgar 7号街火车站.......
Reactor No. 1 | 炸毁了魔晃炉 |
Reactor No. 5 | 回到Sector 7 Slums,Tifa加入队伍,在5号魔晃炉陷入神罗陷阱 |
Shinra Building | Aeris加入队伍,7号区柱子事件之后Aeris被神罗捕获,为救Aeris来到神罗大厦 |
神罗大厦几乎所有人被Sephiroth杀死,Jenova身体被Sephiroth带走 | |
Kalm | Cloud回忆5年前的Nibelheim事件 |
Cosmo Canyon | 众人一路追寻Sephirtoh,经过种种磨难,来到了Cosmo Canyon,获得了关于星球的知识 |
Nibelheim | 继续追寻Sephiroth,来到Cloud和Tifa的故乡Nibelheim,却发现这里没有被大火烧毁 |
Rocket Town | 神罗小总统Rufus向Cid借小飞机,想要追Sephiroth,Cid加入队伍 |
Temple of the Ancients | Cloud受到Sephiroth控制,把Black Materia拱手让出.Aeris离开大家,准备独自拯救星球 |
Forgotten City | Aeris召唤Holy,被Sephiroth杀死.Cloud痛不欲生. |
Icicle Area | Cloud了解了Jenova,Weapon的故事,以及Aeris的生世 |
Whirlwind Maze | Jenova Reunion发动;Cloud又把Black Materia交给Sephiroth.Weapon苏醒 |
Junon | Meteor魔法生效,星球即将毁灭;Weapon攻击Midgar,神罗打穿了Sephiroth的防护罩 |
Mideel | Tifa找到了Cloud,Tifa和Cloud掉进了Lifesteam.两人互相帮助,Cloud恢复自我 |
Rocket Town | 火箭撞在了被召唤的陨星上,但是陨星没有被摧毁,星球仍然面临毁灭危险 |
Forgotten City | Cloud了解到Aeris已经发动Holy,但Holy的发动被Sephiroth切断 |
Midgar | Hojo把Midgar魔晃炉的抽取功率提到最高,Midgar有毁灭危险.Cloud为此杀死Hojo |
Northern Cave | Cloud杀死了Sephiroth.Holy发动,星球获救 |
Midgar | 500年后,Red XIII带着自己的两个后代来到Midgar |
1,Jenova到底是什么东西?Jenova Reunion是怎么回事?Jenova和Sephiroth有什么区别?
关于Jenova这个概念,很容易弄迷糊。因为游戏里面分了几个步骤来揭示。游戏中第一次提到Jenova,是在神罗大厦的图书馆(Jenova Project);第二次是在神罗公寓的地下室。在地下室,由于过去Gast博士的错误,Sephiroth以为自己的“母亲”Jenova是古代种。最后在Icicle Area才明确给出了Jenova是约2000年前“从天而降的灾难”。下面所有文字里面提到的Jenova,全都是指“从天而降的灾难”。
Jenova被Cetra封印了2000年仍然没有死亡,它的生命力非常非常的强。就算它被分割成细胞,这些个体的细胞也都充满了活力。这就为Jenova Reunion提供了可能。关于Jenova Reunion,其实并不玄乎。游戏中Hojo的原话是:“就算Jenova被分割成非常小的个体,这些个体也可以重新聚集起来”。当这些个体重新聚集起来的时候,它们所生成的,就不是被分割前的Jenova,而是更加强大的Jenova--因为这些个体被分隔开之后,每个个体都有可能在精神上控制其他物种,吸收这些被控制物种的能量和能力。2000年前被封印的Jenova,在当时,就已经吸收了古代种的一部分能力,这种被吸收的能力主要是同类的沟通方面.(即古代种和古代种之间的精神交流)
Sephiroth: Mother, let's take this planet back together. I've thought of a great idea.
Let's go to the Promised Land.
Jenova: Because, you are...... a puppet.(白色正常字体)
Come!The Black Matria! (红字粗体)---Sephiroth的呼喊
JUST WAIT A LIITLE LONGER.(白字粗体)---Jenova的呼喊
4,在Weapon醒来的地方,Cloud把Black Materia交给Sephiroth前后,Hojo是这样说的:(详见附录54)
Hojo:You see it was all Sephiroth's doing.Sephiroth is not just content to diffuse
his will into the lifesteam;he wants to manipulate the Clones himself.
Hojo:Did you see it!! It's Sephiroth! So he IS here! This is perfect!
Both Jenova's Reunion and Sephiroth's will!
They won't be diffused into the Lifestream, but gathered here! Mwa, haa, ha,......
5,最终战前,碰到BOSS “Jenova Synthesis”
Cloud: Where are we?
Tifa: what!?
Cloud: Jenova..!?It's coming!
5年前,Sephiroth被愤怒的Cloud打下了魔晃炉。他带着Jenova的头部掉进了Lifesteam。他慢慢被冲到了大空洞。由于Jenova曾经在2000年前获得过古代种相互之间灵魂交流的能力,Sephiroth得以获取古代种的知识。Sephiroth一直以为自己是古代种的后裔,这个状况持续了5年多的时间,直到游戏发展到Temple of Ancient部分,他才明白自己是Jenova的后代。(一直到他的分身杀死神罗老总统之前,他都以为自己是古代种。见附录13)在这个过程中。他逐渐变得疯狂。他的目标是:更快!更高!更强!(=v=) Jenova呢?Jenova只是一种高级病毒体。它侵入其他物种,Reunion成一个更强的物种只是一种本能生理反应罢了。Jenova并没有成为神一样的存在的打算。
在这段时间,Sephiroth一直在尝试和Jenova合体,变成一个新的物种。(虽然他婴儿时就被注入了Jenova的细胞,但这和更高程度的合体,还是有区别的。)由于Sephiroth只有“母亲”Jenova的头部,他仅仅完成了部分合体(即:他和Jenova已经开始合体,但是仍然可以依稀区分出两个生命体的意识。Reunion功能虽然是Sephiroth发出的,但Reunion开始后,会先发生Jenova Reunion,然后才是Sephiroth和做为整体的Jenova的合体)游戏刚开始的时候,本体在大空洞里面的Sephiroth逐渐变的强大起来。他首先利用Jenova可以变化的功能,(就是部分合体之后,Sephiroth自己的变化功能)用自己身体的一部分幻化出一个“Sephiroth”出来,派这个所谓的“Sephiroth”到Midgar取回Jenova剩余的身躯;然后,他发动了Jenova的Reunion功能(就是部分合体之后,自己的Reunion功能)把散落在世界各地曾经被注射过Jenova细胞的人,召唤到大空洞附近。再次,他想要拿到Black Meteria,然后发动Meteor魔法,让星球所有的Lifesteam能量,都汇集到该魔法造成的伤口处。自己就跑到伤口处去大口喝能量,然后当神仙。Cloud一直以为他是在追寻Sephiroth;其实,Cloud是在被Reunion所召唤。Cloud第二次把Black Materia递交给“Sephiroth”的时候。同时就是Jenova Reunion基本完成的时候,Jenova Reunion一完成,Sephiroth就跑到大空洞底部,和做为整体的Jenova开始合体去了。为了保护合体的顺利进行,Sephiroth在大空洞建立了一个防护罩。
游戏的最后,会遇到三个Boss。它们的名字分别叫:Jenova Synthesis,Bizarro Sephiroth和Safer Sephiroth。面对前两个Boss的时候,Sephitoth本体和Jenova的合体尚未完成(或者说只完成了99%),最后所面对的,就是合体的完成体了.这个时候的Sephiroth,已经吸收了Jenova的任何能力。在此时来说,Jenova就是Sephiroth;Sephiroth就是Jenova;Jenova Reunion就是Sephiroth Reunion.
游戏中看Gast博士的录像,可以知道Weapon是星球制造出来的。它们被制造的目的,是和Jenova战斗。但是制造出来之后,Jenova就被古代种封印了,Weapon就陷入了长眠。但是Weapon从来没有忘记过它们的使命;它们时刻准备着和复苏的Jenova做斗争。在Cloud还没有把Black Materia交给“Sephiroth”之前,Weapon已经感受到了Jenova Reunion,逐渐苏醒过来了。(Hojo和Rufus说话的时候,Weapon已经开始眨眼睛。)Cloud把Black Materia交给“Sephiroth”的时刻,也代表了Jenova Reunion基本完成的时刻。由于感受到了Jenova的威胁,Weapon马上醒过来了,准备开始战斗。(当时游戏CG里面地动山摇,就是Weapon们苏醒了,四散飞去。)Weapon醒来之后,却又找不到目标了。因为Reunion之后的Jenova,被占主导地位的Sephiroth拖进大空洞去合体了。Sephiroth为了避免外来力量打扰合体的进行,在大空洞外面弄了一个保护罩。这个罩子凭Weapon的实力是无法打破的。Weapon本身是星球制造出来的,当它一身的精力无从发泄的时候,就开始攻击抽取星球能量的Midgar。
游戏里面Sister Ray一炮击破了大空洞的保护罩,并打死了处于大空洞和Midgar中间的Weapon是有原因的。仔细观察,就会发现,这只攻击Midgar的Weapon是从北方大陆海底浮出水面的。它在被Cloud一行击败之后,原本是转身准备“从哪里来,回哪里去”,后来感受到了Midgar大炮的威胁,又转了一次身。象征性的和大炮相互攻击了一把。结果是螳臂当车,直接被KO。
Weapon攻击Midgar,游戏前期是有伏笔的。Aeris的妈妈就曾经给Aeris说过,Midgar不安全,让Aeris离开。(见附录20)这只Weapon被Cloud击败之前,Cait Sith和Barret之间有一次激烈的对话,大意是Cait Sith指责Barret过去为了星球,炸毁第一号魔晃炉是不对的,Midgar因为雪崩组织的这次行动死了不少人,然后他们谈到现在Midgar处于危机之中的居民.现在Weapon为了星球而攻击抽取星球能量的Midgar,其所做所为,和当时的雪崩是没有区别的.然后Cloud为了保护Midgar的居民,就和Weapon战斗,战胜之后,Cloud感到了负罪感,他和Tifa的对白是这样的:
Tifa:what's wrong? Are you still looking for sth?
cloud: No,it's feeling sth ....yeah,it senses muder
做为一个疯狂的科学家,Hojo的所作所为是不能以常理来揣摩的。在Sephiroth发动Jenova Reunion的信号之后,Cloud开始追寻Sephiroth,Cloud以为是自己主动的追寻Sephiroth,事实上是自己被动的被Reunion信号所驱赶,在这途中,在Costa Del Sol,Cloud碰到了Hojo。Hojo这时已经从神罗辞职,(Hojo辞职事宜,在Junon上船之前同士兵对话可以知道)从Cloud此时和Hojo的对话,可以很清晰的知道,此时Hojo是知道Jenova Reunion这个咚咚的。两人对话完毕之后,泳装女会说:“沙滩上这么热,他还穿着白大褂,这可能就是学者的标志吧?”一般常人到沙滩游泳是绝对不穿很多的,有可能这个时候Hojo就已经给自己注入了Jenova细胞,身体产生了一些变异。如果是这种情况,那么,Hojo也是被Jenova Reunion召唤,不得不到大空洞去。后面在大空洞,Hojo原本是会去Reunion,结果被Rufus硬拖上飞船,回Midgar去了。
前提:这个Reunion发生的时间,我一直认为发生在Cloud把Black Materia给“Sephiroth”的瞬间--这时所有身上有号码的黑衣人都跑到既定位置了。Hojo一直的目的,就是想看看科学到底能做到什么程度,能否改变整个世界。为此,他甚至丧心病狂的把Jenova细胞注入亲生儿子Sephiroth体内,然后慢慢观察Sephiroth的成长。后来Cloud“杀”了Sephiroth,Hojo仍然没有放弃,他还想把Cloud制造成Sephiroth的克隆体,继续观察。在Hojo得知Sephiroth没有死之后,他立即辞职。想去看看自己原初的试验品到底成长成什么样子了,当Sephiroth和Jenova在大空洞里面合体的时候,他回忆起自己过去在做试验的时候,手上还存留了一点点Jenova细胞,他害怕Sephioth因为少了这一点点Jenova细胞,而不能成为一个完美的物种--即通过自己曾经的科学试验所产出的物种。所以,他就给自己注入了Jenova细胞,准备去参加Reunion,让这个世界产生一种崭新的物种--为自己的科学事业献身。
不管Hojo是什么时候给自己注入的Jenova细胞,他的目的是可以确定的。Hojo一直以来想证明科学是世界上最伟大的东西,科学可以改变整个世界。在Sephiroth出世之前,Hojo是不得志的;Sephiorth的出世,让他看到了这个希望。最后在Midgar,他此时已经给自己注射了Jenova细胞,然后把魔晃炉的功率调到最大,用自己的身体不停的吸取Mako Energy。(Cloud和Hojo战斗中,Hojo变身的时候说了这样的话:let's see,what'the Moko juice are reacting..说完就变成最后的形态了.)据推测,Hojo是想把Mako能量吸光之后,跑到大空洞去,自己去和Jenova Reunion,这样,他就算是把所有抽取的Mako Energy送给Sephiroth了.
5,Aeris发动Holy必须以死亡为代价吗?游戏结尾是怎么回事?什么是Promise land?
最终黑魔法Meteor的发动条件同一般魔法相比,只多了一个条件:发动的时候,需要巨大的能量。于是,Sephiroth获得Black Materia之后,在大空洞吸收Lifesteam的力量,发动了Meteor。这个魔法的发动,同样是调用了古代种的智慧,这个魔法的本质,同样是星球之力--也就是说,Sephiroth满足了最终黑魔法的发动条件,星球自己被迫的召唤了一颗陨星,来砸自己。
在一般的魔法,甚至最终黑魔法的发动过程中,星球都处于被动地位。Holy则不一样,在Holy的发动过程中,星球完全处于主动地位。同一般魔法的发动相比,Holy多了两个条件:1,必须是古代种获得并使用魔法。2,星球同意发动。(做为最厉害的两个魔法,最终黑魔法必须积蓄大量能量才能发动。致于最终白魔法,游戏中的原话为:If a soul seeking Holy reaches the planet。那么这种愿望到达星球之后呢?星球就必须发动吗?最终白魔法就这么容易发动吗?结合Holy发动的效果,我这里把它理解成:星球同意发动)Holy发动之后的效果,就是:一切星球觉得有利的物种,就生存;一切星球觉得有害的物种,就灭亡。
在游戏中,Aeris很小的时候就从母亲那里获得了白魔石。从小,Aeris就知道这个白魔石的作用是:在星球遇到严重威胁的时候,发动某个魔法,用以拯救星球。但她认为星球没可能遇到严重威胁,因此这个白魔石只是摆设而已,没什么用处。具体怎么发动,Aeris也不知道。在此时,Aeris依稀可以和母亲进行精神交流,但是由于星球很虚弱,加上Midgar很吵闹,她不大听的清楚母亲都说了些什么;后来,当Aeris来到Temple of Anicnet,她和这里古代种的意识进行了交流。交流之后,在Aeris体内,古代种的精神交流的能力得到了加强。于是Aersi依稀感受到了在某处,有东西在召唤她。这个地点,就是忘却之都。忘却之都是远古时候古代种的聚居地。这里残留了很多古代种的意识,知识和文字。Aeris来到之后,吸收了这些知识,了解到了最终白魔法Holy该如何发动。于是,她跪在地上虔诚的企求星球发动最终白魔法--Holy,进入了物我两忘的状态。(如果这时Holy正常发动,Jenova,Sephiroth这些东西都应该会被消灭。Sephiroth是不能接受这种结果的,所以,他一定要杀死Aeris。)
游戏发展到这个时候,“Sephiroth”已经拿到了Black Materia。由于Sephiroth也拥有部分古代种的能力,Sephiroth明白Aeris这时在干些什么,也能够锁定Aeris的位置。所以,他让他的分身到忘却之都去杀Aeris。Cloud在此时也到了忘却之都,“Sephiroth”先试图利用Cloud体内Jenova细胞,让Cloud杀了Aeris。但这个企图由于Cloud两个同伴大声呼喊而落空。于是,“Sephiroth”从天而降,杀了Aeris。Aeris死的时候,已经满足了最终白魔法发动的条件。那颗白魔石虽然掉到了忘却之都下面的水里,却已经泛着绿光(Holy发动的标志)。
Cloud曾被植入过Jevnoa细胞.他把Black Materia交给“Sephiroth”的时候,应该就是Jenova Reunion发生的时候。原本他是会去参加Reunion的,但由于他自身意识的抵抗,行动比较迟缓,加上碰上了Weapon凌空出世,地动山摇,Cloud直接跌入了Lifesteam里面,后来在Mideel,在Tifa的帮助下,Cloud才恢复自身的意识。Cloud最后碰到的三个BOSS,第一个名字叫:Jenova Synthesis--这个就是Jenova Reunion的产物;第二个Boss叫Bizarro Sephiroth--这个是Sephiroth和做为整体的Jenova,不完全的合成体;第三个Boss叫Safer Sephiroth--这个就是Sephiroth和做为整体的Jenova,完全的合成体。(如果没有Cloud的破坏,当Meteor撞击地球的时候,这个形态的Sephiroth就应该出现在撞击处,大口喝着前来修补伤口的Lifesteam,从而成为一个神一般的存在。)Cloud杀死了这个形态的Sehiroth之后,事情还没有了结.由于Cloud曾被植入过“旧的”Jenova细胞,被打败的Sephiroth就转移到了Cloud体内。(前面说过,此时的Jenova和Sehiroth已经合体,已经不分彼此了,Jenova就是Sephiroth;Sephiroth就是Jenova)。于是,Cloud又像游戏先前一样,出现了些许混乱。然后,Cloud给Tifa说Sephiroth在自己体内.FF7的世界构架是以精神为本的,所以最终的战斗是发生在Cloud的精神层面。只有在最本体的精神层面杀死了Sephiroth,才是真正的消灭了Sephiroth。于是,决斗开始。。。。。。
Sephiroth(或者说Jenova)一旦死亡,一直以来对星球的束缚就消失了。Aeris曾经企求的Holy立即从大空洞冲了出来。此时,陨星已经马上到达Midgar了,Holy马上冲了过去。。。。。。但是,由于Holy发动的过晚,仍然不能消灭这个陨星(见当时游戏CG里面Red XIII说的一句话)星球仍然处于危机中。。。。。
Aeris在这一过程中起了什么作用呢?到底什么是Promise land呢?Promise land在游戏中非常让人困惑,不同的人物在不同的时期,对其有不同的理解。神罗以为Promise land就是一块富饶的土地--这块土地蕴涵了无尽的Mako能量,准备找到Promise land,然后在上面修建Neo-Midgar;Sephiroth以为Prmise land是指大空洞--这里是过去星球的伤口,无尽的Lifesteam能量汇集于此,Sephiroth准备在这里积蓄召唤陨星的能量;Aeris一直以来也不明白Promise land的含义,听了Red XIII爷爷的话之后,在Gold Saucer ,Aeris忽然想明白了,她了解到了族人的宿命,所以她感觉有些许不舒服,终止了和大家的对话,回房间去了。
所谓Promise land,是特指古代种死亡之后,灵魂力量回归该星球的Lifesteam。古代种由于具有高度的智慧,拥有强大的精神沟通能力,以及对星球的热爱,在他们死亡之后,不会向一般人类一样,在Lifesteam的急流中失去自己的意识。Lifesteam原本对外是没有意识的,古代种的灵魂加入之后,却让Lifesteam有了意识。(本文前面一直说Lifesteam没有意识,就是为了突出强调这种区别)Lifesteam是星球的生命之力,Lifesteam的意识就是星球的意识;就这样,古代种的灵魂汇入了星球的灵魂,古代种和星球从此不分彼此,古代种的的灵魂就获得了永生--这就是古代种传说中至高无上的幸福。
Biggs:雪崩组织成员,在Sector 7事件中死亡。
Wedge:雪崩组织成员,在Sector 7事件中死亡。
Jessie:雪崩组织成员。电脑专家,有Cloud有些许好感。在Sector 7事件中死亡。
President Shinra:神罗老总统。采取愚民政策。
Heidegger:the head of Public Safety Maintenance;Turk的总上司。喜欢傻笑
Scarlet:神罗某女主管,大炮Sister Ray的命名人。
Reeve:head of Urban Development Department。间谍Cait Sith的控制者。神罗中难得的厚道人
Rude: 同上。不喜欢说话,据小道消息宣称Rude喜欢Tifa
Choco Bill: 路行鸟牧场的老爷爷.
Priscilla:住在under Junon的小姑娘,喂养了一只海豚,曾经被水怪攻击,被cloud所救(cloud初吻获得者=v=),她被cloud救了
Johnny:住在Costa de Sol.有可能是cloud幼年时候的朋友,SOLDIER的战友
Ester:一个小女孩.Gold Saucer路行鸟比赛最好的经纪人.
Mr.Coates:Gold Saucer监狱主管.
Dio:Gold Saucer的拥有者。健美男。
Bugenhagen:人类,130岁(??)Red XIII的爷爷(应该无血缘关系)星象爱好者.曾经在神罗工作过。
Elder Hargo:Red XIII村庄的占星术学者,写了一本占星术的书,准备把知识传递下去.
Cosmas candle:非人物。是cloud一行围着坐的火堆.据说已经燃了几个世纪,几个世纪以来,只在很早之前熄灭过一次.它是
Cosmos canyon的守护圣火.雪崩组织建立的时候,曾经发誓:把星球从神罗手上救出来之后,雪崩全部成员一
一起到Cosmos Canyon来庆祝.
Seto:RedXIII的爸爸。为了保卫Cosmos Canyon,战死在Gi Cave
Gorky:Wutai 5层塔祀炼人员(1层)
Shake:Wutai 5层塔祀炼人员(2层)
Chekho:Wutai 5层塔祀炼人员(3层)
Staniv:Wutiai 5层塔祀炼人员(4层)
Godo :Wutai 5层塔祀炼人员(5层)Yuffie的父亲.喜欢说谎。15年前和神罗间的战争,Wutai方面的首领。
Cliff。20年年前离开家,一直没有回去。现在住在Gaea's Cliff山腰.
unknown scientist: 研究古代种的语言的科学家,曾经破解了两个单词Key+even sunlight can't reach
1,Reeve操纵的到底是Cait Sith还是Mog,可不可以认为Cait Sith就是Reeve?
对于这个问题,个人狂汗中。。。。我只了解到Cait Sith做为算命机器猫。它先前被神罗控制,是神罗的间谍。因而有时刻和神罗联系的能力。Reeve做为安全主管,是控制Cait Sith的人,Cait做为间谍,可以随时同两边联系。它真实的身体被神罗控制在Midgar,其真实姓名未知。
2,有的版本说JENOVA是帮助发展星球文明 有的版本说是无恶不作的坏蛋,到底哪个是对的?
Biggs: WOW! You used to be in SOLDIER all right! ...Not everyday ya find one in
a group like AVALANCHE.
Jessie: SOLDIER? Aren't they the enemy? What's he doing with us in AVALANCHE?
Biggs: Hold it Jessie. He WAS in SOLDIER. He quit them and now is one of us.
Didn't catch your name...
Biggs: Cloud, eh? I'm...
Cloud: I don't care what your names are. Once this job's over... I'm outta here.
Barret: Yo! This your first time in a reactor?
Cloud: No. After all, I did work for Shinra, y'know.
Barret: The planet's full of Mako energy. People here use it everyday. It's the
life blood of this planet. But Shinra keeps suckin' the blood out with
these weird machines.
Cloud: I'm not here for a lecture. Let's just hurry.
Barret: Little by little the reactor'll drain out all the life. And that'll be that.
Cloud: It's not my problem.
Barret: The planet's dyin', Cloud!
Cloud: The only thing I care about is finishin' this job before security and the
Roboguards come.
Biggs: That should keep the planet going... at least a little longer.
Cloud: Hey!
Barret:If it's about your money, save it 'til we're back at the hideout.
Don't be fooled by Shinra!
Mako energy doesn't last forever!
Mako is the planet's lifesource!
The end is in sight!
----Protector of the planet:AVALANCHE
Wedge: Oh,Cloud!Tifa really knows how to cook.Mmm,mmm.Anyway,
Let me tell you somethin:
Tifa always lets me taste her cooking
And look at me now, I'm rolly-polly.Don't know whether I should be happy or sad.
But it's the good food and drinks that make this shop famous.
Tifa: So you DID forget. Remember...... Cloud. It was seven years ago...
Tifa: Sorry I'm late. You said you wanted to talk about something?
Cloud: Come this spring... I'm leaving this town for Midgar.
Tifa: ...All boys are leaving our town.
Cloud: But I'm different from all of them. I'm not just going to find a job. I
want to join SOLDIER. I'm going to be the best there is, just like Sephiroth!
Tifa: Sephiroth... The Great Sephiroth. Isn't it hard to join SOLDIER?
Cloud: ...I probably won't be able to come back to this town for a while.
Tifa: Will you be in the newspapers if you do well?
Cloud: I'll try.
Tifa: Hey, why don't we make a promise? Umm, if you get really famous and I'm
ever in a bind...... You came save me, all right?
Cloud: What?
Tifa: Whenever I'm in trouble, my hero will come and rescue me. I want to at
least experience that once.
Cloud: What?
Tifa: Come on--! Promise me----!
Cloud: All right...... I promise.
Tifa: You remember now, don't you... our promise?
Cloud: I'm not a hero and I'm not famous. I can't keep...... the promise.
Tifa: But you got your childhood dream, didn't you? You joined SOLDIER. So come
on! You've got to keep your promise.....
Barret: Wait a sec big-time SOLDIER! A promise is a promise! Here!!
这里交待了几点:1,Cloud和Tifa小时候住在同一个村子里(两小无猜;青梅竹马-v-)2,Tifa是一个好厨师,把Wedge喂的肥肥胖胖,同时,她还让7th Heaven这间小酒吧红红火火.
???: ......You all right? ......Can you hear me?
Cloud: ......Yeah......
???: Back then...... You could get by with just skinned knees......
Cloud: ......What do you mean by 'back then'?
???: What about now? Can you get up?
Cloud: ......What do you mean by 'back time'? ......What about now?
???: ......Don't worry about me. You just worry about yourself now.
Cloud: ......I'll give it a try.
???: ......How about that? Take it slow now. Little by little......
2,Aeris's home
???: ...seem pretty tired......
Cloud: .........!?
???: I haven't slept in a bed like this ...in a long time.
Cloud: ...Oh, yeah.
???: Ever since that time.
Flower Girl: Oh! I'm so happy! Thanks for buying my flowers. Say, do you have
any Materia?
Cloud: Yes, some. Nowadays you can find materia anywhere.
Flower Girl: But mine is special. It's good for absolutely nothing.
Cloud: ......good for nothing? You probably just don't know how to use it.
Flower Girl: No, I do...... it just doesn't do anything. I feel safe having it.
It was my mother's...... Say, I feel like talking. Do you feel up to it? After
all, here we are meeting again, right?
Shinra soldier: Reno! Want him taken out?
Reno: I haven't decided yet.
Aeris: Don't fight here! You'll ruin the flowers! The exit is back there.
Reno: They were...... Mako eyes. Yeah, all right.Back to work, back to work.
Oh! And don't step on the flowers......
Shinra soldier 1: Hey Reno, you just stepped on them!
Shinra soldier 2: They're all ruined!
Shinra soldier 3: You're gonna catch holy hell!
Reno: There they are, over there!
Reno: The Ancient is getting away! Attack! Attack! Attack!
Reno: Think we killed'em? They shouldn't have put up a fight, I say!
Aeris: Ha, ha...... They're looking for me again.
Cloud: You mean it's not the first time they've been after you?
Aeris: ...no.
Cloud: They're the Turks.
Aeris: Hmmm......
Cloud: The Turks are an organization in Shinra. They scout for possible
candidates for SOLDIER.
Aeris: This violently? I thought they were kidnapping someone.
Aeris: Oh! You're terrible! Hey...... Cloud. Were you... ever in SOLDIER?
Cloud: ...... ...I used to be. How did you guess?
Aeris: ...Your eyes. They have a strange glow...
Cloud: That's the sign of those who have been infused with Mako... A mark of
SOLDIER. But, how did you know about that?
Npc:That guy in the pipe's a weird one,No matter what you ask him,
He only answers"uum" or "aahh".
Aeris:This guy are sick.He passed out nearby and someone must have helped him here.
This is the one......Won't you help him?
Cloud:Listen,I'm no doctor.
Aeris:No..I guess not...
Hey...that man has a tattoo. I think it was the number 2.
Disc 2
Npc: These folks went wobbling off somewhere...They said sth about the‘Reunion starting’..
sounded almost like a chant.Wonder what the heck that meant
Aeris: What rank were you?
Cloud: Rank?
Aeris: You know, in SOLDIER.
Cloud: Oh, I was... First Class.
Aeris: Just the same as him.
Cloud: The same as who?
Aeris: My first boyfriend.
Cloud: You were... serious?
Aeris: No. But I liked him for a while.
Cloud: I probably knew him. What was his name?
Aeris: It doesn't really matter.
Tifa: When we got back from the Number 5 reactor, there was this weird man. So
Barret caught him and squeezed some information out of him.
Cloud: That's when the Don's name popped up.
Tifa: Right, Don Corneo. Barret told me to leave the lech alone... But
something's been bothering me.
Cloud: I see. So you wanted to get the story straight from Corneo's mouth.
Tifa: So I made it here, but now I'm in a bind. Corneo is looking for a bride.
Everyday, he gets three girls, chooses one of them, and then... ...and, well...
Anyway, I have to be the girl ...or I'm out for tonight.
Corneo:woo!Come,come,don't be so shy....Aooooooooh!!I can't wait any longer!
Here comes papa!!
Tifa: Shut up, we're asking the questions now... What did your assistants find
out? Talk! If you don't tell us...
Cloud: ...I'll chop them off.
Corneo: No! Not that! I'll talk! I'll tell you everything!
Tifa: So... talk.
Corneo: ... I made 'em find out where the man with the gun-arm was. But that's
what I was ordered to do.
Tifa: By who?
Corneo: No--! If I told you that, I'd be killed!
Tifa: Talk! If you don't tell us...
Aeris: ...I'll rip them off.
Corneo: Waaaaaaaaaaah--! It was Heidegger of Shinra! Heidegger, the head of
Public Safety Maintenance!
Cloud: The head of Public Safety Maintenance!?
Tifa: Did you say the Shinra!? What are they up to!? Talk! If you don't
tell us... I'll smash them.
Corneo: ...You're serious, aren't you... ...ohboy, ohboy, ohboy. ...I'm not
fooling around here either, you know. Shinra's trying to crush a small rebel
group called AVALANCHE, and want to infiltrate their hideout. And they're really
going to crush them... literally, by breaking the support holding up the plate
above them.
Tifa: Break the support!?
Corneo: You know what's going to happen? The plate'll go PING and everything's
gonna go BAMMM!! I heard their hideout's in the Sector 7 Slums... I'm just glad
it's not here in Sector 6.
Corneo接到Heidegger的命令寻找雪崩组织.确定在Sector7之后,神罗决定炸掉Sector 7.这里明确给出Heidegger是the head of Public Safety Maintenance
President Shinra: How are the preparations going?
Heidegger: Ha, ha, ha! Smoothly, very smoothly! I assigned the Turks to this.
Reeve: President!! Are we really going to do this? Simply destroy a group with
only a few members...
President Shinra: What's the problem, Reeve? You want out?
Reeve: ...No. But, as head of the Urban Development Department, I have been
involved in the building and running of Midgar. That's why...
Heidegger: Reeve, you should flush there personal problems in the morning!
Reeve: The Mayor's against this anyway...
Heidegger: Mayor? He just sits in this building all day feeding his face! You
still call that a Mayor? Now if you'll excuse me sir!
President Shinra: You're tired. Why don't you take a couple of days
off and go somewhere.
We'll destroy Sector 7 and report thatAVALANCHE did it.
Then we'll send in the rescue operation care of Shinra,
Inc. ...Heh, heh, heh... This is perfect.
神罗为了消灭雪崩组织,不惜派Turk去秘密摧毁Sector 7.并对外声称,雪崩组织应该就此事负责.这里可以看出,Reeve和Mayor是厚道人.其中Reeve是head of the Urban Development Department.由于在对炸Sector7事件上,Reeve和神罗总统的意见相左,神罗总统甚至强令Reeve去休假;Heidegger是Turk组织的上司.
In my veins courses the blood of the Ancients.
I am one of the rightful heirs to the planet!
Cloud: Sephiroth..?"
Elmyra: I know. They took her from here.
Cloud: They were here?
Elmyra: That's what Aeris wanted.
Cloud: Why is Shinra after Aeris?
Elmyra: Aeris is an Ancient. The sole survivor.
Barret: ...What did you say? But, aren't you her mother?
Elmyra: ...Not her real mother. Oh... it must have been 15 years
ago ...during the war. My husband was sent to the front. Some far away place called Wutai.
Elmyra: One day, I went to the station because I got a letter saying he was
coming home on leave. My husband never came back. I wonder if something happened
to him? No, I'm sure his leave was just canceled. I went to the station everyday.
Then, one day......... You used to see this sort of thing a lot
during the war. Her last words were, "Please take Aeris somewhere safe." My
husband never came back. I had no child. I was probably lonely. So I
decided to take her home with me. Aeris and I became close very quickly. That
child loved to talk. She used to talk to me about everything. She told me she
escaped from some kind of research laboratory somewhere. And that her mother had
already returned to the planet, so she wasn't lonely... and many other things.
Barret: Returned to the planet?
Elmyra: I didn't know what she meant. I asked if she meant a star in the sky,
but she said it was this planet... She was a mysterious child in many ways.
Aeris: Mom. Please don't cry.
Elmyra: Aeris just blurted that out all of a sudden.When I asked her if something happened...
Aeris: Someone dear to you has just died. His spirit was coming to see you, but
he already returned to the planet.
Elmyra: At that time I didn't believe her. But... Several days later... We
received a notice saying my husband died... ...and that's how it
was. A lot had happened, but we were happy. Until one day...
Tseng: We want you to return Aeris to us. We've been searching for her for a long time.
Aeris: No! Never!
Tseng: Aeris, you're a very special child. you are of special blood. Your real
mother was an 'Ancient'.
Elmyra: Of course I heard it. That she was an 'Ancient'.
Tseng: The Ancients will lead us to a land of supreme happiness. Aeris will be
able to bring happiness to all those in the slums. That is why Shinra would like
Aeris's cooperation......
Aeris: He's wrong! I'm not an Ancient! I'm not!
Tseng: But Aeris, surely you hear voices sometimes when you're all alone?
Aeris: No, I don't!
Elmyra: But I knew. I knew about her mysterious powers... She tried so hard to
hide it, so I acted as though I never noticed.
Cloud: It's amazing how she's avoided the Shinra for all these years...
Elmyra: The Shinra needed her, so I guess they wouldn't harm her.
Tifa: But why now......
Elmyra: She brought a little girl here with her. On the way here, Tseng found
them. She probably couldn't get away fast enough. She decided to go to the
Shinra in exchange for the little girl's safety.
Cloud: Must be Marlene.
Barret: Marlene!! Aeris was caught because of Marlene!? I'm sorry. Marlene's my
daughter. I'm ...really...sorry...
4,The Jenova Project
5,Data on experimental animals living near Midgar
3,File on Dr.Gast,Biologist
14,The Ancients in History
7,Diminishing Mako energy and Planet movements
8,Final evolutionary stages in land dwelling life
2,Problems with Plate construction in Midgar
8,New plans for Urban Planning
1,Biological characteristics of the Ancients
4,Midgar city map:Sectors 0-4
9,Midgar city map:Sectors 5-8
3,An illustrated guide to City Planning
17,Modern history of Midgar space program vol.2
16,Modern history of Midgar space program vol.1
15,Economic report:Space Dev Program
1,Results of failed space mission “YA-79"
3,Space peace keeping law
6,Shinra rocket space travel
5,Reactor construction chart
10,Materia production and its military uses
4,Ranks and extended use of Mako weaponry
14,Heidegger's Shinra peace keeping law
2,Plan for new land weapons
7,Economic report:anti-Shinra activities
第一次提到Jenova Project;明确Dr.Gast是个生物学家;第一次提到神罗过去有一次失败的宇航试验,代号为:YA-79;这里可以知道神罗公司的研究领域十分广阔
Reeve: Considering those factories we already set up and all the investments, the damage is estimated approximately 10 Billion Gil...The estimated cost to rebuild Sector 7 is...
President Shinra: We're not rebuilding.
Reeve: What?
President Shinra: We're leaving Sector 7 as it is. And restarting the Neo-Midgar plan.
Reeve: ...then the Ancients?
President Shinra: The Promised Land will soon be ours. I want you to raise the
Mako rates 15% in every area.
Palmer: Rate hike! Rate hike! Tra, la, la! And please include our Space Program in the budget!
President Shinra: Reeve and Scarlet will divide the extra income from the rate increase.
Palmer: Oh man!
Reeve: Sir. If you raise the rates, the people will lose confidence...
President Shinra: It'll be all right. The ignorant citizens won't lose confidence, they'll trust Shinra, Inc. even more.
Heidegger: Ha ha ha! After all, we're the ones who saved Sector 7 from AVALANCHE!
Barret: That dirty *$#@.
President Shinra: Hojo. How's the girl?
Hojo: As a specimen, she is inferior to her mother. I'm still in the process of comparing her to her mother, Ifalna, but for now the difference is 18%.
President Shinra: How long will the research take?
Hojo: Probably 120 years. It's probably impossible to finish in our life time.Or in the lifetime of the specimen too, for that matter. That's why we're thinking of breeding her. Then we could create one that could withstand our research for a long time.
President Shinra: What about the Promised Land? Won't it hinder our plans?
Hojo: That's what I need to plan. The mother is strong... and yet has her weaknesses.
President Shinra: That concludes our meeting.
神罗总统有一个建立新Midgar的计划;他还妄图找到Promise land;Aeris的妈妈名字叫Ifalna.曾经在实验室里被Hojo当作标本研究过,Aeris和她的妈妈比较起来,要弱一点,完成试验也许需要120年.Aeris的寿命多半达不到120年,因此,Hojo想把Aeris和XIII配种,以此产生寿命更长的specimen(XIII的种族,寿命是相当长的).Reeve从这里的对白看来,是一个比较正直的人.这里还可以知道,当年Ifalna和Aeris曾经被抓到Midgar,关在实验室里被Hojo研究.后来,Ifalna带着小Aeris逃了出来,具体怎么逃出来的,游戏没有给出答案,也许FF7ABCD里面会有.
Barret: I remembered him. That Hojo guy. He's in charge of the Shinra's Science
Department. Cloud, don't know him?
Cloud: This is the first time I've actually ever seen him. So... that's what he
looks like...
这里给出:Hojo是Shinra's Science Department的首脑.
Cloud: Jenova...
Cloud: Jenova... Sephiroth's... So... they've brought it here.
Tifa: Cloud, be strong!
Cloud: Did you see it?
Barret: See what?
Cloud: It's moving... ...still alive?
Barret: Where's its #%$*#&$ head? This whole thing's stupid. Let's keep goin'.
Cloud: You all got caught, too? Where is Aeris!?
President Shinra: In a safe place. She's the last surviving Ancient... Don't you know?
They called themselves the Cetra, and lived thousands of years ago. Now
they are just a forgotten page in history.
Red XIII: Cetra... That girl, is she a survivor of the Cetra?
President Shinra: Cetra, or the Ancients will show us the way to the 'Promised
Land.' I'm expecting a lot out of her.
Red XIII: The Promised Land? Isn't that just a legend?
President Shinra: Even so, it's just too appealing to not to pursue. It's been
said the Promised Land is very fertile. ...If the land is fertile...
Barret: Then there's gotta be Mako!
President Shinra: Exactly. That is why our money sucking Mako Reactor is
necessary. The abundant Mako will just come out on its own. That is where Neo-
Midgar will be built. Shinra's new glory...
Barret: #$*$#! Quit dreamin'!
President Shinra: Oh really, don't you know? These days all it takes for your
dreams to come true is money and power. Well, that is all for our meeting.
Rude: Come on! Outta his way!
Barret: (to the president) Hold it! I got a lot I wanna say to you!
President Shinra: If you need something else... talk to my secretary.
Cetra是Aeris一族人的自称;Ancient是世人对Cetra一族的称呼.在神罗总统看来,Cetra一直寻找的Promise land,是一块肥沃的土地,会富含Moko能源.他准备在Promise land上面建立一个新Midgar--即Neo-Midgar.(总统的最后一句话,感觉是给Sephiroth说的)
Cloud: Aeris!? You safe?
Aeris: Yeah, I'm all right. I knew that Cloud would come for me.
Cloud: Hey, I'm your bodyguard right?
Aeris: The deal was for one date, right?
Tifa: Does the Promised Land really exist?
Aeris: ...I don't know. All I know is... The Cetra were born from the Planet,
speak with the Planet, and unlock the Planet. And......then... The Cetra will
return to the Promised Land. A land that promises supreme happiness.
Tifa: ...What does that mean?
Aeris: More than words...... I don't know.
Cloud: ...Speak with the Planet?
Tifa: Just what does the Planet say?
Aeris: It's full of people and noisy. That's why I can't make out what they are saying.
Cloud: You hear it now?
Aeris: I, I only heard it at the Church in the Slums. Mother said that Midgar
was no longer safe. That is... my real mother. Someday I'll get out of Midgar...
Speak with the Planet and find my Promised Land. ...That's what mom said. I
thought I would stop hearing her voice as I grew up, but...
Barret:Hey!Aeris is an Ancient,and the real name of the Ancients is Cetra.
The Ancients know where the Promise land is and the Shinra is searching for that promise land
I only heard stories 'bout the Promise land .I don't know if it really exists.Is that right?
The Shinra believe that the Promise Land is full of Mako energy.Which means,
If the Shinra get there,they'll suck up all the Mako energy.and the land'll wither away
The Planet's gonna get weaker.Ican't just leave'em be.I'm recruitin'new members!!
Me,Tifa,Cloud...and Aeris too.how about you? You're so damn boring.(To:Red XIII)
Barret: He's dead... The leader of Shinra, Inc. is dead...
Tifa: Then this sword must be...!?
Cloud: Sephiroth's!!
Tifa: ...Sephiroth is alive?
Cloud: ...Looks like it. Only Sephiroth can use that sword.
Barret: Who cares who did it!? This is the end of the Shinra now!
Palmer: Ur. P, p, p, please, don't kill me!
Cloud: What happened?
Palmer: Se ...Sephiroth. Sephiroth came.
Cloud: Did you see him? Did you see Sephiroth?
Palmer: Yeah, I saw him! I saw him with my own eyes!
Cloud: You really saw him?
Palmer: Uh! Would I lie to you at a time like this!? And I heard his voice too!
Um, he was saying something about not letting us have the Promised Land.
Tifa: Then what? Does that mean that the Promised Land really exist and that
Sephiroth's here to save it from Shinra?
Barret: So he's a good guy then?
Cloud: Save the Promised Land? A good guy? No way!! It's not that simple! I know
him! Sephiroth's mission is different!
Barret: Rufus! $@*%! I forgot about him!
Tifa: Who's that?
Barret: Vice President Rufus. The President's son.
I heard that he's been assigned somewhere else for a long time...
Aeris: I've heared that no one's ever seen him bleed or cry.
Rufus: That's right. I'll let you hear my new appointment speech. ...Old man
tried to control the world with money. It seems to have been working. The
population thought that Shinra would protect them. Work at Shinra, get your pay.
If a terrorist attacks, the Shinra army will help you. It looks perfect on the
outside. But, I do things differently. I'll control the world with fear. It
takes too much to do it like my old man. A little fear will control the minds of
the common people. There's no reason to waste money on them.
Rufus: Why do you want to fight me?
Cloud: You seek the Promised Land and Sephiroth.
Rufus: Hm, exactly. Mm? Did you know that Sephiroth is an Ancient?
Cloud: ...A lot has happened. Anyway, I can't let either you or Sephiroth have
the Promised Land!
Rufus: I see. I guess this means we won't become friends.
Barret: So let's hear your story...... You know, the one about Sephiroth and the
crisis facing the planet. Let's hear it all.
Cloud: ......I used to want to be like Sephiroth so I joined SOLDIER. After
working with Sephiroth on several missions, we became friends.
Barret: You call that a friend?
Cloud: Yeah, well...... He's older than me, and he hardly ever talked about
Tifa: .........
Cloud: So I guess you'd call him a war buddy, We trusted each other. Until one
Aeris: ...one day?
Cloud: After the war it was SOLDIER's duty to put down any resistance against
the Shinra. ......that was 5 years ago. I was 16......
Cloud: You going to brief about this mission?
Sephiroth: ...this isn't a typical mission.
Cloud: Good!
Sephiroth: Why do you say that?
Cloud: I joined SOLDIER so I could be like you. But by the time I made First
class, the war was already over. My big hopes of becoming a hero like you ended
with the war. That's why I always sign up whenever there's a big mission. Kind
of a way to prove myself. Say, how do you feel, MISTER Sephiroth?
Sephiroth: ...I thought you wanted a briefing? Our mission is to investigate an
old Mako reactor. There have been reports of it malfunctioning, and producing
brutal creatures. Then, we'll locate the problem and neutralize it.
Cloud: Brutal creatures... Where?
Sephiroth: The Mako Reactor at Nibelheim.
Cloud: Nibelheim... That's where I'm from.
Sephiroth: Hmm... hometown...
Sephiroth: How does it feel? It's your first time back to your hometown in a
long time, right? So how does it feel? I wouldn't know because I don't have a
Cloud: Ummm... how 'bout your parents?
Sephiroth: My mother is Jenova. She died right after she gave birth to me. My
father... What does it matter...? All right, let's go.
右边的士兵:Psst..(You keep wandering aroud here and you'll get in trouble.)
Barret: Yo wait a minute!! Isn't that, um...? The name of Sephiroth's mother...
I remember Jenova. That's that damn headless spook livin' in the Shinra building.
Cloud: That's right.
Tifa: Barret, would you please let us hear what Cloud has to say? You can ask
questions later.
Barret: Tifa, I was only......
Tifa: Okay Cloud, continue.
Aeris: It's a reunion of childhood pals!
Cloud: ...I was really surprised with Tifa.
Cloud: My father...died when I was still very young.That's why my mom...
was living alone in this houseYeah..I saw my mom.My mom..
she was a vibrant woman.Hadn't changed at all,But a few days later,she died...
But when I saw her,she looked fine.
Tifa's father:I want to you stay away from my daughter.
We don't need the Shinra's help to protect our town.
Zangan:I'm Zangan.I travel around the world teaching children martial arts.
I have 128 students all over the world! In this town,
a girl named Tifa is my student.Tifa has good sense.
She'll be a powerful fighter.
Sephiroth: I've hired a guide to the Mako reactor. I've heard she's young, I
hope we can rely on her...
Cloud: What's this?
Tifa: A mysteriously colored cave...(绿色的山洞)
Sephiroth: It must be the Mako energy. This cave is especially abundant in
it. That's why the Mako Reactor was built here.
Cloud: ...And what's this?
Sephiroth: A Mako fountain. It's a miracle of nature.
Tifa: It's so beautiful... If the Mako Reactor continues to suck up the energy,
this fountain will dry up too...
Sephiroth: Materia. When you condense Mako energy, materia is produced. It's
very rare to be able to see materia in its natural state.
Cloud: By the way... Why is it that when you use materia you can also use magic too?
Sephiroth: You were in SOLDIER and didn't even know that? ...the knowledge and
wisdom of the Ancients is held in the materia. Anyone with this knowledge can
freely use the powers of the Land and the Planet. That knowledge interacts
between ourselves and the planet calling up magic...... or so they say.
Cloud: Magic...... a mysterious power...
Sephiroth: Ha, ha, ha!
Cloud: Did I say something funny?
Sephiroth: A man once told me never to use an unscientific term such as
mysterious power! It shouldn't even be called 'magic'! I still remember how angry he was.
Cloud: What was that?
Sephiroth: Hojo of Shinra, Inc. ... An inexperienced man assigned to take over
the work of a great scientist. He was a walking mass of complexes.
Tifa: A Mako fountain... So this is where the knowledge of the Ancients is.
Cloud: This is...... Jenova, right? The lock won't open...
Sephiroth: This is the reason for the malfunction. This part is broken. Cloud,close the valve.
Sephiroth: Why did it break...? ...now I see, Hojo. But, even doing this, will
never put you on the same level as Professor Gast. This is a system that(魔光和JE的先后??!!)
condenses and freezes the Mako energy... that is, when it's working correctly.
Now... what does Mako energy became when it's further condensed?
Cloud: Uh, ummm...... Oh yeah! It becomes a Materia.
Sephiroth: Right, normally. But Hojo put something else in there. ...Take a look.
Cloud: Wh... what is this!?
Sephiroth: Normal members of SOLDIER are humans that have been showered with(S的时代是只用魔光??)
Mako. You're different from the others, but still human. But, what are they?
They've been exposed to a high degree of Mako, far more than you.
Cloud: ...is this some kind of monster?
Sephiroth: Exactly. And it's Hojo of Shinra that produced these monsters.
Mutated living organisms produced by Mako energy. That's what these monster's
really are.
Cloud: Normal members of SOLDIER? You mean you're different? H... hey,Sephiroth!
Sephiroth: N...no...... ...Was I?
Sephiroth: ...Was I created this way too? Am I the same as all these monsters......
Cloud: ...Sephiroth.
Sephiroth: You saw it! All of them... were humans...
Cloud: Humans!? No way!
Sephiroth: ...I've always felt since I was small... That I was different from
the others. Special, in some way. But... not like this...
Disc2--High Wind
Yuffie:Why does materia always have sth to do with battles or magic? I bet the Ancients
must've always been fighting.
It must've been ..ugh..terrible..
Cloud: We found him inside the biggest building in Nibelheim.
Tifa: The villagers used to call it Shinra mansion.
Cloud: Long ago, people from Shinra used to live in that mansion...
Sephiroth: ...an organism that was apparently dead, was found in a 2000 year old
geological stratum. Professor Gast named that organism,Jenova... X Year, X Month,
X Day. Jenova confirmed to be an Ancient ...X Year, X Month, X Day. Jenova Project
approved. The use of Mako Reactor approved for use... My mother's name is Jenova
Jenova Project... Is this just a coincidence? Professor Gast... Why didn't you tell
me anything? ...Why did you die?
Sephiroth: Ha, ha, ha...... Who is it!? Hmph... traitor.
Cloud: Traitor?
Sephiroth: You ignorant traitor. I'll tell you. This Planet originally belonged
to the Cetra.Cetra was a itinerant race. They would migrate in, settle the Planet,
then move on... At the end of their harsh,hard journey, they would find the Promised
Land and supreme happiness. But,those that disliked the Journey appeared.Those who
stopped their migrations built shelters and elected to lead an easierlife. They took
that which the Cetra and the planet had made without giving back one whit in return!
Those are your ancestors.
Cloud: Sephiroth...
Sephiroth: Long ago, disaster struck this planet. Your ancestors escaped... They
survived because they hid. The Planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After
that, your ancestors continued to increase. Now all that's left of the Cetra is
in these reports.
Cloud: What does that have to do with you?
Sephiroth: Don't you get it? An Ancient named Jenova was found in the geological
stratum of 2000 years ago. The Jenova Project. The Jenova Project wanted to
produce people with the powers of the Ancients...... no, the Cetra. ...I am the
one that was produced.
Cloud: Pr...produced!?
Sephiroth: Yes. Professor Gast, leader of the Jenova Project and genius scientist,produced me.
Cloud: How...how did he...? Se...Sephiroth?
Sephiroth: Out of my way. I'm going to see my mother.
Tifa: Papa... Sephiroth!? Sephiroth did this to you, didn't he!? Sephiroth...
SOLDIER... Mako Reactors... Shinra... Everything! I hate them all!
Sephiroth: Mother, I'm here to see you. Please, open this door.
Tifa:How could you do that to papa and all the townspeople?
Tifa: ...You promised... You promised that you'd come...... when I was in trouble...
Sephiroth: Mother, let's take this planet back together. I've thought of a great idea. Let's go to
the Promised Land.
Cloud: Sephiroth... My family! My hometown! How could you do this to them!?
Sephiroth: Ha, ha, ha...... They've come again, mother. With her superior power,
knowledge, and magic, Mother was destined to become the ruler of the Planet.
Sephiroth: But they... Those worthless creatures are stealing the Planet from
Mother. But now I'm here with you so don't worry.
Cloud: What about MY sadness!? My family... friends... The sadness of having my
hometown taken away from me!? It's the same as your sadness!
Sephiroth: Ha, ha, ha... my sadness? What do I have to be sad about? I am the
chosen one. I have been chosen to be the leader of this Planet. I have orders to
take this planet back from you stupid people for the Cetra. What am I supposed
to be sad about?
Cloud: Sephiroth... I trusted you... No, you're not the Sephiroth I used to know!
Cloud: ......and that's the end of my story.
Barret: Wait a damn minute! Ain't there more?
Cloud: ......I don't remember.
Aeris: What happened to Sephiroth?
Cloud: In terms of skill, I couldn't have killed him.
Tifa: Official records state Sephiroth is dead. I read it in the newspaper.
Aeris: Shinra, Inc. owns the paper, so you can't rely on that information.
Cloud: ......I want to know the truth. I wanted to know what happened then. I
challenged Sephiroth and lived why didn't he kill me?
Tifa: ...I'm alive, too.
Aeris: Seem like a lot of this doesn't make sense. What about Jenova? It was in
the Shinra building, right?
Cloud: Shinra shipped it from Nibelheim to Midgar.
Aeris: Did someone else carry it out after that? It was missing from the Shinra building.
Tifa: Sephiroth......?
Barret: Damn! Don't none of this make sense! I'm going, going, going, gone! And
I'm leavin' the thinkin' to you! Yo, Cloud! Let's get a move on!
Tifa: How bad was I when Sephiroth cut me?
Cloud: I thought you were a goner.....I was really sad.
Tifa: ................
Aeris: The Ancients...Cetra...Jenova...Sephiroth and myself...
Rude: Just a second!
Tifa: Who are you?
Rude: Do you know who I am?
Cloud: From the Turks, right?
Rude: Well if you know, then this won't take long. It's difficult to explain
what the Turks do...
Cloud: Kidnapping, right?
Rude: To put it negatively... you could say that.But, that's not all there is to it, anymore.
Elena: Sir! It's all right, Rude! I know you don't like speeches, so don't force it!
Rude: ...Then Elena, explain.
Elena: I'm the newest member of the Turks, Elena. Thanks to what you did to
Reno,we're short of people. ...Although, because of that, I got promoted to the
Turks,... In any case, our job is to find out where Sephiroth is headed. And to
try and step you everystep of the way. Wait a minute, it's the other way
around... You're the ones that are getting in our way.
Tseng: ...Elena. You talk too much.
Elena: Sorry... Tseng.
Tseng: No need to tell them about our orders.I thought I gave you other orders.
Now go. Don't forget to file your report.
Elena: Oh! Right! Very well, Rude and I will go after Sephiroth, who's heading
for Junon Harbor!
Tseng: ...Elena. You don't seem to understand.
Elena: Oh! I'm, I'm sorry...
Tseng: ...Go. Don't let Sephiroth get away.
Elena: Yes sir!
Rude: Reno said he wanted to see you after the injuries you gave him healed. He wants to
show his affection for you all... with a new weapon.
Tseng: well, then... Aeris...long time no see.looks like you got away from the Shinra for a while,
now that Sephiroth reappeared
Aeris: ..so what are you saying?That I should be grateful to Sephiroth?
Tseng: No...Well,I won't be seeing too much of you,so take care.
Aeris: ..Strange,hearing that from you.
Tseng: Well then,stay out of Shinra's way.
???: ...That reminds me.
Cloud: You again? ...Who are you?
???: ...You'll find out soon. ......But more importantly, 5 years ago...
Cloud: 5 Years ago... Nibelheim?
???: When you went to Mt. Nibel then, Tifa was your guide, right?
Cloud: Yeah... I was surprised.
???: But where was Tifa other than that?
Cloud: ...I dunno.
???: It was a great chance for you two to see each other again.
Cloud: ...You're right.
???: Why couldn't you see each other alone?
Cloud: ...I don't know. I can't remember clearly...
???: Why don't you try asking Tifa?
Cloud: ...Yeah.
???: Then, get up!
Tifa : Hey wake up. Wake up, Cloud!
Cloud: Tifa... When Sephiroth and I went to Nibelheim, where were you?
Tifa: ...We saw each other, right?
Cloud: The other time.
Tifa: No... it was 5 years ago. I don't remember. But, something seems strange
outside. Cloud, come quick.
Rude: Mm..You too? Then,take you mask off and come here.That's our rule.
Elena: The minute you think the job's boring,you guys satrt messing around.
Reno: The president's safety is secure because we're here =v=
Tseng: Stay outta this
Soldier 1: Heidegger's been really edgy lately. Because Hojo disappeared leaving
a letter or resignation.
Soldier 2: Heidegger's been forced to take care of that investigation, too.
Sephiroth: ..After a long sleep...the time...time has...... come...
Aeris: Look, Cloud!
Cloud: Sephiroth! You're alive!
Sephiroth: ...Who are you?
Cloud: You don't remember me!? I'm Cloud!
Sephiroth: Cloud...
Cloud: Sephiroth! What are you thinking!? What are you doing!?
Sephiroth: ...the time...... is now...
Tifa: I've seen this somewhere..before.
Cloud: ...Jenova.The arm of Jenova.
Aeris: Jenova...With this thing?
Cloud: So it WAS Sephiroth
Tifa: He said something about it being time for something.
Cloud: ..Time ...is now?
Aeris: Hmm...I don't get it.Hey, Cloud, why don't you explain to me what's happened so far?
Cloud: ...I'll try, but don't interrupt me while I'm explaining. Sephiroth went
off searching for the Promised Land, so he could become the ruler of the
planet... That was 5 years ago. Then Sephiroth came back and killed President
Shinra. And then just now all of us saw Sephiroth. He was carrying Jenova with
him. ...This much I do know. He told me he wants to go to the Promised Land with
his mother, Jenova. ...I guess that's about it.
Johnny: what's with YOU!!Hey,is it ....You?We were in SOLDIER,and childhood friends
before that,you were such a playboy Aand a#$%* muderer!! why can't I rememeber your name?
Cloud: Who are you?
Johnny: That's right.long time no see.Do you remember me?
That's okay.We'll just keep on like we don't know each other.I'm starting a new life
in this town.A lot of things happened to us. Heh,I better stop my mumbling! I sure
envy you all just living outside with the sky as your ceiling.
woman: I'm sorry about that.He's had some big shocks lately and is pretty depressed.
Johnny: Hurry up and get out of here!I'm happy like this.So keep out of my life.
Hojo: I'm busy right now.
Woman: ......But. Too bad.
Hojo: No, I remember you all now.. Yes, yes. I remembered now. It's been a long time, Cloud.
Cloud: Hojo......
Hojo: Sometimes you just gotta do something like this.
Cloud: ......What are you doing?
Hojo: It should be obvious, I'm getting a tan.
Cloud: Answer me!
Hojo: Hmm! I believe we're both after the same goal.
Cloud: You mean Sephiroth?
Hojo: Did you see him? I see...... Ha! Ha!
Cloud: What is it?
Hojo: Nothing. I just remembered a certain hypothesis...... Haven't you ever had
the feeling something is calling you? Or that you had to visit some place?
Cloud: I'll go anywhere Sephiroth is at! To beat him and put an end to all this!
Hojo: I see...... This could be interesting. Were you in SOLDIER? ......Heh heh
heh! Would you like to be my guinea pig? Oh, now what? Are you going to draw
your sword?
Tifa: Stop, Cloud! I know how you feel, but you mustn't.
Hojo: Ha! Ha! Ha!......Say aren't you the 'Ancient'?(to:Aeris)
Aeris: I'm Aeris. The least you can do is remember my name, I want you to tell me sth,Professor Hojo... I know I'm an Ancient. My mother told me.
Hojo: Your mother? Oh, you mean Ifalna. How is she?
Aeris: You didn't know!? She died.
Hojo: ......I see.
Aeris: Professor Hojo... Is Jenova an Ancient? Is Sephiroth an Ancient? Do we all have the same blood?
Hojo: ......mumble... mumble... head west......
Aeris: He's mumbling slowly... That must means he's hiding something!
Hojo: ..................
Tifa: Hey! Answer us!!
Cloud: It's no use. It's no go.
woman: He never takes off his lab coat even in this heat.I guess that's the mark
of an intellectual.
Dio: Well, a while back, a boy your age came in and asked me if I had a 'Black
Materia'. I thought you might know who he was, seein' as how you're both about
the same age.
Cloud: Did he happen to have... a Black Cape...
Dio: Why yes, yes indeed. And a tattoo on his hand that said '1'.
Red XIII: ......grandfather. I want to be an adult. I want to grow up
to be able to protect you and the village.
Bugenhagen: Ho Ho Hoooo. No Nanaki. You can't stand on your own yet. To do that
now would destroy you in the long run. Reaching up into the
heavens, threatening to snatch the very stars from the great city of Midgar. You
seen it, haven't you? Well, that's a bad example. Looking up too much makes you
lose perspective. When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that
you know absolutely nothing.
Cloud: ......When the planet dies?
Bugenhagen: Ho Ho Hoooo. It may be tomorrow, or 100 years from now... But it's not long off.
Cloud: How do you know this?
Bugenhagen: I hear the cries of the Planet.
Bugenhagen: Ho Ho Hoooo. Yes, it is something, isn't it? Well, let's get to the
subject. Eventually... all humans die. What happens to them after they die? The
body decomposes, and returns to the Planet. That much everyone knows. What
about their consciousness, their hearts and their souls? The soul too returns to
the Planet. And not only those of humans, but everything on this Planet. In
fact,all living things in the universe, are the same. The spirits that return to the
Planet, merge with one another and roam the Planet. They roam, converge, and
divide, becoming a swell, called the 'Lifestream'. Lifestream... In other words,
a path of energy of the souls roaming the Planet. 'Spirit Energy' is a word that
you should never forget. A new life... children are blessed with Spirit energy
and are brought into the world. Then, the time comes when they die and once
again return to the Planet... Of course there are exceptions, but this is the
way of the world. I've digressed, but you'll understand better if you watch
this....Not just living things,spirit energy makes planet to be planet.
Bugenhagen: ......These are the basics of the Study of Planet Life.
Cloud: If the Spirit energy is lost, our Planet is destroyed...
Bugenhagen: Ho Ho Hoooo. Spirit energy is efficient BECAUSE it exists within'
nature. When Spirit energy is forcefully extracted, and manufactured, it can't
accomplish its true purpose.
Cloud: You're talking about Mako energy, right?
Bugenhagen: Everyday Mako reactors suck up Spirit energy, diminishing it. Spirit
energy gets compressed in the reactors and processed into Mako energy. All
living things are being used up and thrown away. In other words, Mako energy
will only destroy the Planet...
Bugenhagen: The story of the planets... and those who lived with them... You
want to know more? Then you must listen to the words of the elders.
Aeris: I learned a lot. The elders taught me many things. About the Cetra...
And the Promised Land... I'm...... alone... I'm all alone now...
Cloud: But I'm...... we're here for you, right?
Aeris: I know. I know, but... I am the only...... Cetra.
No.12: Can..you..hear? The..voice..of Se..phi..ro.th..
No.5: ..Must..get ..it..and bring..to.Se..phi..roth..Then..become..one..with..Se..phi..roth..
No.11: ..Must..go..Reun..ion...
No.4: ..Where..are..you..? Great..Se..phi..roth..
No.??: ..Re...Union....ion.
No.??: Woooo...ooow...He's..calling..Sephiroth...is..calling...
No.??: The..Great..Se..phi..roth..is..near...In..side..inside..the Mansion..Urrrrh...
the great..Sephi..roth
No.9: Black..Materia
??: ..b,back..to..Sep..i..roth.
C project specimen(B) code C:
A scratch left by a fingernail inside the beaker:
Let's get out of here..
C project specimen(A) code Z:
A scratch left by a fingernail inside the beaker:
Feeding time..that's our chance..!
Escape report no.1
X month X day
The two escapees located near Midgar"
Escape report no. 2
Description at the time of capture.
A - Former member of SOLDIER/Number ( )
No effect could be detected from either Mako
Radiation Therapy or Jenova on him
B - Regular/Number ( )
Reaction to Jenova detected.
Escapee report no.3
Concerning their disposal.
A - Shot for resisting.
B - Escaped during A's resistance.
Escapee report no.4
B's whereabouts is currently unknown. But, we
submit there is no need topursue him, due to his
diminishing consciousness. Awaiting further
Cloud: At least tell us your name.
Vincent: I was with... the Shinra Manufacturing Department in Administrative
Research, otherwise known as-- the Turks... Vincent.
Cloud: The Turks!?
Vincent: Formerly of the Turks. I have no affiliation with Shinra now. ...And you?
Cloud: Cloud, formerly of SOLDIER.
Vincent: You were also with Shinra...? Then do you know Lucrecia?
Cloud: Who?
Vincent: ...... Lucrecia. The woman who gave birth to Sephiroth.
Cloud: ...gave birth...? Wasn't Jenova Sephiroth's mother?
Vincent: That isn't completely wrong, but just a theory. He was born from a
beautiful lady. That lady was Lucrecia. She was an assistant to Professor Gast
of the Jenova Project. Beautiful Lucrecia.
Cloud: ...A human experiment?
Vincent: There was no way to cancel the experiment. I couldn't stop her. That
was my sin. I let the one I loved, the one I respected most, face the worst.
Tifa: So the punishment was sleep? That's weird.
Vincent: Let me sleep...
Vincent: Wait! If I go with you I meet Hojo?
Cloud: Dunno. But we're after him and Sephiroth. So, I guess sooner or later...
Vincent: Lucrecia... All right. I've decide to go with you.
Tifa: What?You're coming with us?
Vincent: Being a former Turks, I may be of help to you...
Cid: The Promised Land?
Cloud: A land full of Mako energy. ...or at least that's what the Shinra believe.
I don't know if it actually exists.
Aeris: The Cetras return to the Promised Land. A land that promises boundless happiness.
Barret: Cetra? That some kinda disease?
Aeris: That's what the Ancients call themselves. Hey, didn't you listen to the
elders at Cosmo Canyon? ...You don't 'know' where the Promised Land of the
Ancients is. You search and travel, until you feel it. Like you just know,
'...this is the Promised Land'.
Cloud: Aeris... can you feel it too?
Aeris: I think so.
Tifa: So Sephiroth is traveling the world because he's searching for the
Promised Land? Is that it?
Aeris: That, and one other thing he's searching for.
Cloud: The Black Materia...
Cait Sith: I heard from Dio that a man in a Black Cape was lookin' for the Black Materia.
Tifa: I don't even know what the Black Cape is... How many men with Black Capes
and number tattoos are there?
Red XIII: ...you know, of course... My tattoo is number 13.
Cloud: How did you get that tattoo?
Red XIII: Hojo put it on me. Everything else is just wars scars, but the number was done by Hojo.
Tifa: So there are at least 13!?
Aeris: ...You know...... I think Hojo did something to those men in the Black
Capes. But I don't know what it has to do with Sephiroth though... That's why I
think we should just go after Sephiroth himself.
Barret: Yeah, me too! It's all just too damn confusin'.
Aeris: And... I'm sorry, forget it! I think I'm tired, I'm going to bed now.
Cloud: Hey!
Cait Sith: W, wait a second. I won't run or hide. Yes, I was a spy. I was hired
by the Shinra.
Tifa:Don't mess with us!
Cait Sith: I couldn't help it. How 'bout if we continue like nothing ever happened?
Cloud: No way, cat! You gotta lot of guts acting like friend but being a spy!
Cait Sith: Then, what are you goin' to do? Kill me? You'd just be wastin' your
time if you tried. This body's just a toy anyway. My real body's at Shinra
Headquarters in Midgar. I'm controllin' this toy cat from there.
Tifa: So you're from Shinra. Who? Who are you!
Cait Sith: Whoa, I can't tell you my name.
Cait Sith在游戏里面刚出现的时候,是一个算命机器.这里它承认自己是神罗的间谍.它的真身在Midgar,被神罗控制,现在的躯体仅仅是一个玩具.致于它的真名字,FF7里面没有给出(也许FF7DC里面会给出哦~)
ParentA: You a traveller?Hey wait,that glare in your eyes...you in SOLDIER?
ParentB: Oh you're right! Don't you know anything about our son?
ParentA: His name is Zack.It's been close to 10 years since he left for the city,
saying that he didn't want to live in the country...
ParentB: He left saying he's going to join SOLDIER.You ever hear of a Zack in SOLDIER?
Cloud: Hmmm...I don't know.
Aeris: Zack...
ParentA: Young lady,you know him?
ParentB: I remember he wrote us 6 or 7 years ago saying that he had a girlbriend.
Could that have been you?
Aeris: That can't...(出门)
Cloud: Aeris...
Aeris: What a shock...I didn't know Zack was from this town.
Cloud: You know him?
Aeris: Didn't I tell you? He was my first love.
Cloud: ..........
Aeris: Zack...SOLDIER First Class.Same as Cloud.
Cloud: Strange,there aren't that many who make Frist Class,but I've never heard of him.
Aeris: That's all right.It's all in the past now. I was just worried because I heard
he's been missing.
Cloud: Missing?
Aeris: I think it was 5 years ago. He went out on a job, and never came back. he loved woman,
a real lady's man. He probably found someone else...Hey? What's wrong?
Aeris: Are you ..jealous? Hmm?Hmmm? Are you,Cloud? I'm kidding,I'm sorry.Let's go...
确认了Aeris的初恋情人是Zack.Zack很受女孩子欢迎,两人的恋情因为Zack 5年前忽然消失而告终.
Aeris: This is... the Temple of the Ancients. I.. know.. I feel it.. The
knowledge of the Ancients... floating... You could become one with the Planet,
but you're stopping it with the strength of will. For the future? For us?
Cloud: What are you saying? Do you understand?
Aeris: You're uneasy... But happy? Because I'm here? I'm sorry ...I don't
understand. I want to go inside!
Aeris: Words... feelings... So many of them here.
Aeris: Whew! we finally caught up to you.I'm sorry.You waited for me.Those are the
spirit bodies of the Ancients.They've been away from their Planet for a long time
to Protect this Tmeple.Over the many years,they 've lost the ability to
talk.Actually,they didn't need words form the beginning because there was only one
objective for those left the Temple.Plase,talk to me!No good.I don't understand the
reat. Are you afraid..?Is it because Sephiroth is in the Temple Or sth else?
Aeris: Oh no... Cloud. Come quick!! Hurry, this way! It's full of
knowledge of the Ancients.No..not knowledge..consciousness... a living soul... It's
trying to say something. I'm sorry, I don't understand. What? What is it? ...Danger? An
evil...consciousness? ...show? You're going to show me?(说这话的时候,Aeris看到一个水潭)
蓝色第一句,说明Spirit 是可以具像化的.
Elena: Tseng, what's this? Can we find the Promised Land with this?
Tseng: ...I wonder. Anyway, we have to report to the President.
Elena: Be careful, Tseng.
Tseng: Yeah... Hey Elena, how 'bout dinner after this job's over?
Elena: Th... Thank you very much. If I may be excused...
Sephiroth: A lost treasure house of knowledge. The wisdom of the Ancients... I
am becoming one with the Planet.
Tseng: One with the Planet?
Sephiroth: You stupid fools. You have never even thought about it. All the
spirit energy of this Planet. All its wisdom... knowledge... I will meld with it
all. I will become one with it... it will become one with me.
Tseng: ...you can do that?
Sephiroth: The way...... lies here.
Sephiroth: Only death awaits you all. But do not fear. For it is through death
that a new spirit energy is born. Soon, you will live again as a part of me.
Sephiroth: At that which adds to the knowledge of... I am becoming one with the Planet.
Sephiroth: Soon... we will become one.
Aeris: How do you intend to become one with the Planet?
Sephiroth: It's simple. Once the Planet is hurt, it gathers Spirit Energy to
heal the injury. The amount of energy gathered depends on the size of the
injury. ...What would happen if there was an injury that threatened the very
life of the Planet? Think how much energy would be gathered! Ha ha ha. And at
the center of that injury, will be me. All that boundless energy will be mine.
By merging with all the energy of the Planet, I will become a new life form, a
new existence. Melding with the Planet... I will cease to exist as I am now...
Only to be reborn as a 'God' to rule over every soul.
Aeris: An injury powerful enough to destroy the Planet? Injure... the Planet?
Sephiroth: Behold the mural. The Ultimate Destructive Magic... Meteor.
Cloud: That'll never happen!
???: Wake up!(灰白色字体)
Aeris: Cloud!!
Vincent:what are you doing?
Cloud: Ha ha ha... Black Materia. Ha ha ha... Call Meteor.
Aeris: Cloud!! Get a hold of yourself!
Cloud: Cloud... I'm... Cloud... How should I? ...I remember! I remember my way.
Cloud: Black Materia!!
Aeris: Hey! ...Black Materia. What should we do, Cloud?
Cloud: Take it.
Aeris: Wait a minute, I'll ask! I don't understand...... What? Really!? They
said that the Temple itself is the Black Materia.
Cloud: What do they mean?
Aeris: So, this whole building is the Black Materia?
Cloud: This huge Temple? This is the Black Materia!? Then no one could take it.
Aeris: Hmm, it's pretty hard. You see this is a model of the Temple.And inside it is a device,
which gets smaller eachtime you solve a puzzle. As the model becomes smaller,
you become smaller too.Until it's small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.
Cloud: So, if we solve the puzzles, the Black Materia will get smaller and
smaller and we can take it out?
Aeris: Yes, but there's one thing... You can only answer the puzzles inside the
Temple. So, anyone who solves the puzzle will be crushed by the Temple.
Cloud: I see... the Ancients didn't want dangerous magic to be taken out of the
Temple so easily...
Cait Sith: Hi, Cloud. This is Cait Sith. I overheard the whole story! Don't
forget about me. Everything you said makes perfect sense! You can use my stuffed
body for the future of the Planet.
Cait Sith: She told me to 'Be strong'. I feel so happy.What happened? I can still move more.
This must be it! The Ancients sure did a great job making this.I can protect the
Planet too! I'm kinda embarrassed... There's plenty of stuffed toys like my body
around, but there's only one me! Don't forget me even if another Cait Sith comes
along. Good bye, then! I guess I'm off to save the Planet...
Cait Sith: Oops! This looks like I came at a bad time! I'm Cait Sith No. 2 Right
pleased to meet you all!
Cloud: As long as we have this, Sephiroth won't be able to use Meteor.
Cloud: Mmm? Can you guys use it?
Aeris: Nope, we can't use it right now. You need great spiritual power to use it.
Cloud: You mean lots of Spiritual energy?
Aeris: That's right. One person's power alone won't do it. Somewhere special.
Where there's plenty of the Planet's energy... Oh yeah! The Promised Land!!
Cloud: The Promised Land!! No, but...
Aeris: Sephiroth is different. He's not an Ancient.
Cloud: He shouldn't be able to find the Promised Land.
Sephiroth: ...Ah, but I have. I'm far superior to the Ancients. I became a traveler of
the Lifestream and gained the knowledge and wisdom of the Ancients,I also
gained the the knowledge and wisdom of Those after the extinction of the Ancients.
And soon, I will create the future.
Aeris: I won't let you do it! The future is not only yours!
Cloud: Everything is white... What did I do? I don't remember anything... My
memory... since when...? If everything's a dream, don't wake me.
蓝色那句,前部分是说获得了life steram里面古代种的知识和智慧,后部分是说获得了古代种神庙里面古代种的知识和智慧.
因为说这句话的时候,Sephiroth还没有入手Black Materia.(游戏中曾经交待过一个画面:Sephiroth跳进Aeris和古代种交流的那个"水潭".他跳进去之前,水潭还在闪光,他出来之后,水潭的光芒就消失了)
Aeris: Cloud, can you hear me?
Cloud: Yeah, I hear you. Sorry for what happened.
Aeris: Don't worry about it.
Cloud: ...I can't help it...
Aeris: Oh... Then, why don't you REALLY worry about it? And let me Handle Sephiroth
And Cloud,you take care of yourself.So you don't have a breakdown,okay?
Cloud: What is this place?
Aeris: This forest leads to the City of the Ancients... and is called the
Sleeping Forest. It's only a matter of time before Sephiroth uses Meteor. That's
why I'm going to protect it. Only a survivor of the Cetra, like me, can do it.
This secret is just up here. At least it should be. ...I feel it. It feels like
I'm being led by something. Then, I'll be going now. I'll come back when it's
all over.
Cloud: Aeris?
Sephiroth: Hmm...... She's thinking of interfering? She will be a difficult one,
don't you think? We must stop that girl soon.
Cloud: ......City of the Ancients. Aeris is headed there.
Barret: By herself!? Why did she go by herself!? Hey, we're goin' too.
Cloud: Only the Ancients, only Aeris can save us from the Meteor...
Tifa: Then we must go. What'll we do if something happens to Aeris? If
Sephiroth finds her, she's in trouble.
Cloud: Sephiroth... already knows.
Barret: Hey! Why are you still sittin' around?
Tifa: Let's go, Cloud.
Elena: Yy,you! how did you get here..?Never mind that I guess it's fate that brought us together.
Get ready to die!!
Reno: ..Elena,you talk too much.
Elena: Ww,what?
Reno: What are we doing way out here in the middle of nowhere?
Elena: We're taking our vacation and resting up from our work
Reno: Now our vacation is ruined.
Elena: B,bur...
Rude: ..evn the booze tastes bad now.
Elena: .sorry..
Reno: Drink,Rude! How long have we been a team..?There have been hard times being a Turk,
but all in all, I'm glad I did it.I even got to meet a bunch of wing nuts like you.
Elena: Hmm,you're lucky all right. Now get out of my sight! The next time we meet
I won't be so nice.
Rude: To the Turks..To Reno..cheers!
Shinra soldier A: So our reports were right! He IS here on vacation! We've
finally found him! Get the Turks here for back-up!
Reno: ...what a drag.
Shinra soldier A: Ww, what was that...?
Reno: Right now we're off duty and can't run off to save your butts.
Shinra soldier A: We know you're off duty, but... If you knew that, then don't
bother us! Lookin' at you is makin' me sober.
Shinra soldier B: But you all have orders from headquarters to look for him too!
All right, that's it! We'll get him without any help from the
Turks, just you see! And don't think that headquarters isn't
going to hear about this!!
Elena: Reno, do you think that was really such a good idea!? I mean that the way
a professional, a Turk would act!?
Reno: Elena. Don't misunderstood. A pro isn't someone who sacrifices himself for
his job. That's just a fool.
Elena: Rude...?
Rude: .........
Elena: Well, I don't buy that! Goodbye!!
Rude: .........
Reno: Relax. She's not a child. Let her have her way now...
Yuffie: ...I've been hearing that ever since I was little. Before I was born,
Wutai was a lot more crowded and more important... You saw what it looks like
now, right? ...JUST a resort town... After we lost the war, we got peace, but
with that, we lost something else. Now look at Wutai... That's why... if I had
lots of materia I could...
Reno: All right, Corneo. This'll be over quick, so
listen up. Why do you think we went to all the trouble of teaming up with those
guys to get you...?
1. Because we were ready to die
2. Because we were sure of victory
3. Because we were clueless.
Corneo: Two... Number two?
Reno: All wrong.
Rude: ...because it's our job.
Reno: Yes... this is Reno. Yes... Yes... I'll get on it right away?
Elena: Was that the company?
Reno: Yeah, they want us to find Cloud...
Rude: Are we on...?
Reno: No, today we're off duty.
Godo: Silence!! Yuffie...... I am the same now as I was before when
I wanted the war. But, after I lost the war, I began to think... Is strength,
only for defeating the enemy? ...or just something to show-off to others...?
Might begets might. That's the same way as the Shinra...
Yuffie: ......
Godo: I knew you were looking for Materia for the good of Wutai. But, the reason
I hide my strength now, is also for the good of Wutai... And now, I realize both
are necessary... Strength without determination means nothing. And determination
without strength is equally useless...!
Godo: You there, please take Yuffie with you! Iperceive that you all have both
determination and strength!
Vincent: Hmm..You may come if you want to..
Godo: Yuffie, wait a minute. The Materia they all have... After their battle is
over, you think they'll still want it?
Yuffie: Dad...!
Godo: Go! Survive till the end! And return! With the Materia!
Cloud: ..Ugh..Words of the Ancients?...no good. I can't understand.
Cloud: ..Ugh,again?This stream of consciousness..Cloud this be the words of the
Ancients...no good , I can't understand.
Cloud: I feel it...
Vincent: what's wrong?
Cloud: Aeris is here, ...and so is Sephiroth.
Vincent: .If that's true,then we're in for it.
Cloud: ...it's not an excuse. I feel it in my soul.
Vincent: If that's true,we should hurry. Sth terrible could happen at any moment.
Cloud: ...right. Let's hurry and find Aeris.
Cloud: Aeris' voice...Coming from there?
Cloud: Aeris?
Tifa: Cloud!
Vincent: Stop it!!
Cloud: Ugh... what are you making me do.
Sephiroth: Do not worry. Soon the girl will become part of the Planet's energy.
All that is left is to go North. The 'Promised Land' waits for me over the snowy
fields. There I will become a new being by uniting with the planet. As will this
Cloud: ...Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean a thing.
Aeris is gone. Aeris will no longer talk, no longer laugh, cry...... or get
angry...... What about us...... what are WE supposed to do? What about my pain?
My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My eyes are burning!
Sephiroth: What are you saying? Are you trying to tell me you have feelings too?
Cloud: Of course! Who do you think I am!?
Sephiroth: Ha, ha, ha...... Stop acting as if you were sad. There's no need to
act as though you're angry either. Because, Cloud. You are...
Jenova: Because, you are...... a puppet.
Cloud: I'm...... a puppet?
NPC1: Do you know what a Cetra is?
NPC2: What was a Cetra...?Oh yeah,it's the same as the Ancients,right?
NPC1: Yeah,a Cetra lived in this town a long time ago. Her name was Ifalna,and
she knew about a lot of things...
NPC2: Whatdaya mean?
NPC1: I heard she was abducted by he Shinra and was taken somewhere.
NPC2: Shinra and the Ancients...I smell sth'fishy...
1,The Original Crisis
Ifalna: 2000 years ago, our ancestors, the Cetra, heard the cries of the
Planet. The first ones to discover the Planet's wound were the Cetra at
the Knowlespole.
Gast: Tell us Ifalna... Where is the land called 'Knowlespole'?
Ifalna: Knowlespole refers to this area The Cetra then began a Planet-reading.
Gast: Ifalna, what exactly does Planet-reading entail?
Ifalna: ...I can't explain it very well, but it's like having a conversation
with the Planet... It said something fell from the sky making a large wound.
Thousands of Cetra pulled together, trying to heal the Planet... But, due to
the severity of the wound, it was only able to heal itself, over many years.
Gast: Do the Ancients, rather, the Cetra, have special powers to heal the Planet?
Ifalna: No, it's not that kind of power. The life force of all living things
on this Planet becomes the energy. The Cetra tried desperately to cultivate
the land so as not to diminish the needed energy...
Gast: Hmm, even here so close to the North Cave, the snow never melts. Is
that because the planet's energy is gathered here to heal its injury?
Ifalna: Yes, the energy that was needed to heal the Planet withered away the
land... then the Planet... The Planet tried to persuade the Cetra to leave the
Knowlespole, but...
Gast: Ifalna... Let's take a break.
Ifalna: I'm all right... When the Cetra... were preparing to part with the
land they loved... That's when it appeared! It looked like... our... our dead
mothers... and our dead brothers. Showing us spectres of their past.
Gast: Who is the person that appeared at the North Cave? I haven't any idea.
Ifalna: That's when the one who injured the Planet... or the 'crisis from the
sky', as we call him, came. He first approached as a friend, deceived them,
and finally...... gave them the virus. The Cetra were attacked by the virus
and went mad... transforming into monsters. Then, just as he had at the
Knowlespole. He approached other Cetra clans...... infecting them with... the
Cetra具有和星球交流的能力(类似语言交流)星球治愈伤口,需要使用life stream的能量,Cetra能
做的,就是努力耕种,让life stream增长的能量,尽力敢上消耗的能量.当星球life stream的力量使用的时候,周边的土地就会贫瘠,变成雪地.这个"Crisis from the sky"应该是雄性的这里用词是Him.
Gast: Ifalna, can you comment on the thing called 'Weapon'?
Ifalna: Yes, Professor. The one the Professor mistook for a Cetra... was
named Jenova. That is the 'crisis from the sky'. The Planet knew it had to
destroy the 'crisis from the sky'... You see, as long as Jenova exists, the
Planet will never be able to fully heal itself.
Gast: Back then, Weapon was a weapon the Planet produced of its own will?
Ifalna: Yes, but... There is no record of Weapon ever being used. A small
number of the surviving Cetra defeated Jenova, and confined it. The Planet
produced Weapon... But it was no longer necessary to use it.
Gast: So, Weapon no longer exists on the Planet?
Ifalna: Weapon cannot vanish. ...It remains asleep somewhere on the Planet.
Even though Jenova is confined, it could come back to life at some time... The
Planet has not fully healed itself yet. It is still watching Jenova."
Gast: Where is Weapon?
Ifalna: I don't know...... I can't hear the voice of the Planet well...
Times... have changed. The Planet... is probably watching this situation
Cloud: I don't want to understand. But, I want to ask you one thing. Why... why
are you doing this?
Sephiroth: Ha, ha, ha...... I want to take you back to your real self. The one
who gave me the Black Materia that day... Who would have ever thought a failed
experiment would prove so useful? Hojo would die if he knew.
Cloud: Hojo!? What does he have to do with me!?
Sephiroth: Five years ago you were... ...constructed by Hojo, piece by piece,
right after Nibelheim was burnt. A puppet made up of vibrant Jenova cells, her
knowledge, and the power of the Mako. An incomplete Sephiroth-clone. Not even
given a number. ...That is your reality. Ha, ha, ha......
Sephiroth: Cloud... Don't blame Tifa. The ability to change one's looks, voice,
and words, is the power of Jenova. Inside of you, Jenova has merged with Tifa's
memories, creating you. Out of Tifa's memory...... A boy named Cloud might've
just been a part of them.
Rufus: The outside is rich with Mako energy. The inside is a treasure grove of
Materia. This truly is the Promised Land.
Hojo: There is no such thing as the Promised Land. It's a legend... an old wives
tale... ...it's utterly ridiculous.(这时候Weapon眨了眨眼睛)
Scarlet: Hey!! Where did you come from?
神罗以为North Crater就是promise land的所在,Hojo则认为promise land 只是一种象征意义.事实上并不存在.
Cloud: ...don't know...This place is going to get rough. Better leave things to
me and get out of here while you still can!!
Rufus: Leave things to you? Hmph... I don't know what you mean.
Cloud: This is where the Reunion is happening. Where everything begins and ends.
Tifa: Cloud!!
Barret: Hey! We're here to help you!
Cloud: Thanks... Red XIII. Where's the Black Materia?(说这句话之前,摇头等等,内部在斗争)
Red XIII:Are you all right,Cloud?Then ..here yo go. I was a little apprehensive this thing.
Tifa: No! Don't! Please stop Cloud!!
红字(粗体):Come!The Black Matria!
Cloud: Professor Hojo... I don't have a number. You didn't give me one because
you said I was a failed experiment.
Hojo: What the--? You mean only a failure made it here?
Cloud: Professor... please give me a number. Please, Professor...
Hojo: Shut up, miserable failure...
Hojo: He's a Sephiroth clone I created after the real Sephiroth died five years
ago. Jenova cells and Mako, with my knowledge and skills, have been combined
with science and nature to bring him to life. ...I'm not wild about the failure
part, but the Jenova Reunion Theory has now been proven. You see, even if
Jenova's body is dismembered, it will eventually become one again. That's what
is meant by Jenova's Reunion.I have been waiting for the Reunion to start. Five years
have passed, and now the Clones have began to return. I thought the Clones would
begin to gather at Midgar where Jenova is stored. But my predictions were not
entirely correct. Jenova itself began to move away from the Shinra Building.
But being a genius that I am, I soon figured it out. You see it was all Sephiroth's doing.
Sephiroth is not just content to diffuse his will into the Lifestream; he wants
to manipulate the Clones himself.
(S并没有消失在life stream里面,他想操纵他的克隆体们)
Cloud: I wasn't pursuing Sephiroth. I was being summoned by Sephiroth. All the
anger and hatred I bore him, made it impossible for me to ever forget him. That
and what he gave me. Sephiroth? Sephiroth?I'm here. And I brought you the Black
Materia.Show yourself to me. Where are you? Sephiroth... So we finally meet again.
Hojo: Did you see it!! It's Sephiroth! So he IS here! This is perfect! Both
Jenova's Reunion and Sephiroth's will! They won't be diffused into the
Lifestream, but gathered here! Mwa, haa, ha,......
Tifa: Are you all right?
Cloud: Oo... uh... agh Uh... uh... Tifa...? Tifa..?
Tifa: ...? Oh, Cloud!
Cloud: That's right. I'm Cloud.(并不知道自己是谁,上面TIFA的话让他明白了,自己是Cloud)
Tifa: Is it really you, Cloud? I never thought I'd find you here!
Cloud: Yeah, it's been a while.
Tifa: What happened to you? You don't look well.
Cloud: ......Yeah? It's nothing. I'm okay.
Tifa: How long has it been?
Cloud: Five years.
Tifa: ............
Cloud: What is it?
Tifa: ...it's really been a long time. Actually, it's been seven years. You got
your wish and joined SOLDIER, quit after the Sephiroth incident, and now you're
a mercenary... You told me a lot about what happened after you left Nibelheim...
But... Something's wrong. I felt there was something strange about the things
you talked about. All the things you didn't know that you should. And other
things you shouldn't know that you did... I wanted to make sure... But then I
heard... you were going far away... And I didn't want that... ...I didn't know
what to do. So, I thought I need more time. And that's why I told you about the
AVALANCHE job. I wanted to be with you, watch you.
Barret: You ain't over it yet. Remember that huge light, in the Northern Cave?
Since then, the crater's been surrounded by a huge barrier of light. Everyone
knows Sephiroth sleeps in that big hole, protected by the barrier. We can't do a
damn thing about it. We just gonna wait till he wakes up. An' on topa that, some
huge monster called Weapon's been on a rampage.
Tifa: ...Weapon?
Barret: Remember that huge monster that was with Sephiroth, at the bottom of the
crater? Well it's up here now. They say it's some legendary monster from the past.
Tifa: Weapon... is protecting Sephiroth?
Barret: Dunno. But he's up here goin' around tearin' shit up. Right now Rufus'
fightin' it. I hate to say it, but he's got guts. We shoulda been the ones to
destroy it, but we ain't got no time...
Heidegger: It's Weapon.
Rufus: There's been so many attacks lately. Can we handle it?(Weapon已经来攻击了好几次了,而不是一次)
Heidegger: I believe so. Your orders?
Rufus: No need to ask.
Red XIII: ...Maybe. Cloud is still stuck deep in the North Crater,where the ground
cracked and swallowed him up...Buried in the depths of the underground......
Tifa: Deep within the earth...... are you talking about the Lifestream?
Red XIII: The Lifestream sometimes gushes out to the surface from cracks in the
ocean floor. I heard that such a place exists. Maybe, just maybe Cloud's......
Cait Sith:Tifa,I'll give you information Shinra.Ask me if there's anything you don't understan
Tifa这句话说明lifestream存在的具体位置,是星球的地壳下面.Red XIII的话,说明Lifestream是类似熔岩的存在.在地壳表面不稳定时,甚至可能喷发出来.
Scarlet: Huge Materia is a high density special type of materia made through a
special compression process in Mako reactors. The energy extracted from it is
330 times the strength of normal materia. Ha, ha, ha! How about that!? We will
gather all the Huge Materia together and ram it into Meteor. That will cause a
huge explosion!! Reducing Meteor literally to bits.
Bugenhagen:No time to be hunmming now. The planet is nearing imminent death....It's true that
there are several places on the planet where Lifestream is gathered.But most of those
places are below the surface where humans cannot reach them. In the Southern Seas I
think there was an island where Lifestream is...But even if you find Cloud
there..Life's dream is a mass of spiritrual energy.and one person alone probably
couldn't stand against such an incredible spiritual current...
Tifa: Wh, where am I......? What's happening? I......? Where's Cloud......!?
Cloud, where are you!? Huh...... what......? Who......? Who is it......? I can't
hear......? Wait a minute......! I don't know anything about that! No! It's not
me......! I'd never do anything like that!! No! Stop it......!! Stay back!!
Somebody help! Please!! Cloud, help me!! Eyaaaaghh......!!
Tifa: ....Where am I......? Cloud!? What is it, Cloud? What is this....!? Is this the
inside of your dreams? Or is it... your...subconsciousness...? You're searching,
aren't you Cloud? Searching...... for yourself...... I can help too. We'll work
together to try and get the real you back. But...... Where do we start......?
Tifa: Cloud!? Are you all right!?
Cloud: V, voice...... Their......(Lifsteam里面有非常多其他人的意识和声音)
Cloud: Everyone...... I'm sorry. I don't know what to say......
Red XIII: Don't say anything, Cloud. All you've been doing is apologizing.
Cloud: I never was in SOLDIER. I made up the stories about what happened to me
five years ago, about being in SOLDIER. I left my village looking for glory, but
never made it in to SOLDIER...... I was so ashamed of being so weak; then I
heard this story from my friend Zack... And I created an illusion of myself made
up of what I had seen in my life...... And I continued to play the charade as if
it were true.
Barret: Illusion, huh...? Pretty damn strong for a llusion, I'd say.
Cloud: I'm physically built like someone in SOLDIER. Hojo's plan to clone
Sephiroth wasn't that difficult. It was just the same procedure they use when
creating members of SOLDIER. You see, someone in SOLDIER isn't simply exposed to
Mako energy. Their bodies are actually injected with Jenova cells...... For
better or worse, only the strong can enter SOLDIER. It has nothing to do with
Jenova Reunion. But weak people...... like me, get lost in the whole thing. The
combination of Jenova cells, Sephiroth's strong will and my own weakness are
what created me. Everyone knew that. I'm...... Cloud. ......the master of my own
illusionary world. But I can't remain trapped in an illusion any more...... I'm
going to live my life without pretending.
Vincent: Escape from a world of illusions...Hmmph..I wonder which is better..?
Bugenhagen: You are using Shinra materia, as a weapon?Materia is highly dense spiritual energy.
A shred of the planet's life.It should not be used as a weapon.
We must stop using it...or the planet will become weakened.
Cloud: Hey, Cid! What're you doing!? There are generations of knowledge and
wisdom inside the Materia. We're gonna borrow their powers and save the planet
from Sephiroth. There's no way that we can lose the Huge Materia. You understand
that, right?
Vincent: The machines in Cosmo Canyon were presents of Dr.Gast.Wrapped up in the planet's
strange notions surrouded by Shinra-made machines...Science and the planet lived
side by side in that old man's heart.
Cait Sith: This just betweeen you and me but...That there Bugenhagen feller,used to be a
pretty handy Shinra worker.Yep,he an't never bought no weapons or Mako though...
Yuffie: Why does materia always have sth to do with battles or magic? I bet the Ancients
must've always been fighting.
It must've been ..ugh..terrible..
Cloud: She said she was the only one who could stop Sephiroth's Meteor.
Tifa: But Aeris is gone.
Red XIII: Is it impossible for us to carry on... what Aeris tried to accomplish?
Barret: We ain't no Ancients, if that's what ya mean.
Cid: What, did that girl go off to that place?
Cloud: That's it!!
Cid: What's it?
Cloud: We don't know about it. What did Aeris know? Why did she face Sephiroth
without running away?
Vincent : Lucrecia... You're alive...
Lucrecia: I wanted to disappear... I couldn't be with anyone... I wanted to die...
But the Jenova inside me wouldn't let me die... Lately, I dream a lot of Sephiroth...
My dear, dear child. Ever since he was born I never got to hold him, even once...
Not even once. You can't call me his mother... That... is my sin...
Bugenhagen: The knowledge of the Ancients swirling around here is telling me one
thing. The planet's in a crisis... A crisis beyond human power or endless time.
It says, when the time comes, we must search for 'Holy'.
Cloud: Holy?
Bugenhagen: Holy... the ultimate White Magic. Magic that might stand against
Meteor. Perhaps our last hope to save the planet from Meteor. If a soul seeking
Holy reaches the planet, it will appear. Ho Ho Hoooo. Meteor, Weapon, everything
will disappear. Perhaps, even ourselves.
Cloud: Even us!?
Bugenhagen: It is up to the planet to decide. What is best for the planet. What
is bad for the planet. All that is bad will disappear. That is all.
Ho Ho Hoooo.I wonder which we humans are?
Cloud: Search for Holy... How do we do it?
Bugenhagen: Speak to the planet. Get the White Materia... This will bond the
Planet to humans. Then speak to the planet. If our wish reaches the planet, the
White Materia will begin to glow a pale green.
Bugenhagen: Ancients' writing.(这里说明Ancient是有文字记录能力的)
Cloud: Can you read it?
Bugenhagen: I can't even make it out!!
Cloud: ...It's glowing.
Bugenhagen: Ho Ho Hoooo!! It's pale green!!
Cloud: ...Aeris. Aeris has already prayed for Holy. ...After I gave up the
Black Materia to Sephiroth...... Aeris's words came into my dreams... She said,
she was the only one who could stop Sephiroth...... And to do that, there was a
secret here... that was Holy...... That's why, she had the White Materia. Aeris
knew about here... and what she had to do. Aeris has left us great hope. But,
it cost her her life... her future... I'm sorry... Aeris. I should have figured
this out sooner. ...You left us without saying a word...... It was all so sudden,
so I couldn't think... That's why it took so long for me to find out. But,
Aeris... I understand now. Aeris... I'll do the rest.
Tifa: You mean,WE...
Cloud: Thank you... Aeris. Aeris's voice has already reached the Planet. Just
look at the glow of the White Materia. But...... how about Holy? How come Holy
isn't moving? Why?
Bugenhagen: Something's getting in its way.
Cloud: ......Him...... He's the only one that could do it....Sephiroth. Where are you?
到.需要把holy魔法和holy魔石区别开来.holy魔石---white matria,如果和星球取得了联系,白魔石会发出浅绿色的光芒.Aris死的时候,是发了光的.这里解释了Aeris的死:Aeris一直以为她妈妈留给她的魔石毫无价值,后来,她感受到了忘却之都的召唤,等她到了那里,和Ancient留在那里的意识沟通,她知道企求愿望到达星球,星球会发动HOLY和metoer对抗.于是她虔诚的祈祷.S是一直根随她来的,也知道她准备做什么,所以杀了Aeris,Aeris死的时候,她企求的愿望已经到达了星球,所以HOLY魔石会发光。但是由于Sephiroth的干扰,holy魔法没有立即启动,直到Sephiroth被杀死,干扰去除,所以HOLY马上发动了.
Hojo: Heee, hee, hee, hee! No you're wrong! It's my desire as a scientist!
Vincent: I was...wrong.The one that should have slept was...You,Hojo!
Hojo: Heee,hee, hee, hee! I... was defeated by my desire to become a scientist. I lost
the last time as well. I've injected Jenova's cells into my own body! Heee, hee,
hee!Here are...... Heee, hee, hee! ...my results!!
Tifa: No matter how close we are... We were far apart... before this. But when
we were in the Lifestream surrounded by all those screams of anguish, I thought
I heard your voice... ...sniff... you probably won't remember this... But deep
in my heart I heard you calling my name... Or at least I thought I did...
Cloud: Yeah... At the time I heard you calling me. You were calling me back from
the stream of consciousness in the Lifestream. After all, I promised. That if
anything were to ever happen to you, I would come to help.
Tifa: Cloud...? Do you think the stars can hear us? Do you think they see how
hard we're fighting for them?
Cloud: I dunno... But... Whether they are or not, we still have to do what we
can. And believe in ourselves... Someday we'll find the answer. Right, Tifa?
That's what I learned from you when I was in the Lifestream.
Tifa, what's happened to our town? Was it all an illusion, or just a dream?
No, it was neither. I remember trying to get people out of the flames, but not
having the strength... Burning with anger, I went to the reactor to kill Sephiroth.
But he was nowhere to be found. Instead, I found you, collapsed inside. I felt
saving you was far more important than going after Sephiroth. There were
several others that were still alive inside, but I was only able to save you.
As I was coming out of the reactor, Shinra troops were just arriving. I recall
a scientist named Hojo was in charge. He ordered the troops to gather up
everyone still alive for the experiment. I didn't know what type of experiment
he was talking about, but I wasn't about to let them have my dearest student.
Putting you on my back, I headed down the mountain to the village. I used the
Cure spell on you many times and started to head for Midgar to look for a
doctor for you. I don't like that city, but my Cure spells weren't helping.
I decided to go to Midgar to find a doctor I could trust. I'm worried about
you, but I can't settle down in one place for very long. Have you recovered fully? Are you well?
I wonder how many years have passed since then? I just got into town again, but
I can't believe it... The whole town is back to normal, except for the strange
beings with black clothes all around...
The town reeks of Shinra, but I won't go after them. You may think I'm running
from them, but it's just that I don't want anything to do with Shinra anymore.
Feels like time is running out.
I'm sure you'll find this letter. And this gift for you. It should come in
handy. I can't even jump anymore. But I hope you continue to sharpen your
skills and remember what I taught you.
To my most precious student, From Zangan.
NPC: Don't worry, it's all right. I get paid by the company.My real job is to protect
the secret of Nibelheim.What? Secret?We don't have a clue.But it's all right.
It's all over anyway!The end!Yeah,even as we speak,Meteor..! The end..!
Zack: Yo! Old guy! We at Midgar yet?
Diver: Shaddup! You're lucky I even gave you a ride!
Zack: What're you gonna do when we get to Midgar?
Cloud: ......
Zack: I know what I'm gonna do.I got a place I can crash for a while. No wait, the
mother lives there to... Guess that's out...
Zack: Try everything...That's easy for him to say... HEY! Of course! I got a lotta
brains a skill that other guys don't. That settles it! I'm gonna become a mercenary!
Zack: Listen, I'm gonna become a mercenary and that's that. Boring stuff,
dangerous stuff, anything for money. I'm gonna be rich! So Cloud. What
are you gonna do?
Zack:Just kidding... I won't leave you hanging like that. We're
friends right? Mercenaries,Cloud, that's what you an' me are gonna be.
Understand Cloud?
Soldier: What do you want to do with hime?"
Cloud: ...Ah... ughhhhh......
Captain: ..Forget it. Just leave him.
Red XIII: ......Although she's not here, she left us a window of opportunity...
Cid: We can't let it go like this.
Cloud: ......Aeris. She was smiling to the end. We have to do something, or
that smile will just freeze like that. Let's go all together. Memories of
Aeris... ...Although she should've returned to the planet by now, something
stopped her and now she's stuck...... We've got to let go of Aeris's memory.
Cloud: This is th center of the Planet..?
All right, everyone,let's mosey.
Cid: Damn!Again! Stop sayin'it like a wimp! Can't you say "Move out!" or sth?
Cloud: Move out!